Chapter One

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Rage - Dreams of Death

Written By: Chris Byrns

Author's Note: All characters and companies mentioned in this story have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone or anything bearing the same name(s). Events portrayed in this story are pure invention and have not been based on any events that have happened in real life. All the characters involved in sexual acts if their ages are not mentioned beforehand; are over 18 years of age. Enjoy

A special thanks to all who have read my Shadow Claw series. That having been my first piece gave me the encouragement to put out other works. I Hope you enjoy this story equally.

Chapter One

Who was to blame? The drunk father, the over nurturing mother, the bullies at school, the girls who had rejected me. Who was to blame? The doctors spent years trying to figure this out. What was the cause for so much pain? "Jonathan, can you tell me about your parents?" That question was getting old after being in this place for 10 years. That particular question had been asked by 8 different doctors. I gave them what they wanted but it never really explained anything. If my parents were the cause for my "episodes" as they have clinically come to call it, then my parents weren't human.

I knew what was wrong with me. It was the beast within that craved the carnage, the blood. Doctors of course refused to believe that, "For the last time Mr. Greyhawk you are not a..." Knocks came to the door. "Excuse me one moment." The doctor left the room, leaving me chained to the metal chair. It had become a necessary precaution after several guards and other ward mates had met untimely and painful deaths. Over ten years the property damage alone had cost the state thousands. Looking like a scene straight out of Silence of the Lambs.

It wasn't always this way thought, there had been a time when everything was right. I had just graduated high school with a full ride scholarship that would finally get me off the reservation. When the acceptance letter had arrived I went to show my parents. My mother cried calling me ungrateful for wanting to leave her. My father punched me for making my mother cry and believing I was ever going to be better than them. It didn't take much for me to know this wasn't where I belonged. I worked that summer through to earn enough bus money to get the hell out of that place.

College was an animal in itself. Fraternities, dorms, life in general always in motion. I dated here and there never staying committed to long. I figured that could always wait until I could afford a life above a ramen noodle diet. Well that mentality changed when I met Alice, she was a psych major from California. We clicked well, both being a long way from home for the first time. I didn't meet Alice until my junior year but after that day we were practically inseparable. "Are you going home for the holiday?" she asked.

"What holiday?" I asked playing dumb.

"Umm Thanksgiving duh." I couldn't help but laugh.

"You do know I'm Native American right? My people only celebrated that holiday once."

"Well since you don't have any plans then my mom wanted me to invite you to join us."

"Yikes first time meeting the folks and it’s at a holiday I've never experienced. This won't be awkward at all."

"I’m taking that as a yes then." What was I going to do with that girl? I loved Alice but sometime that California girl brain would just leave me awe. Oh well at least the sex was great. Class had cut out a couple days before turkey day giving students time for travel. Alice and I decided to the bus. Her car was acting up and I was constantly poor so flying last minute during a holiday was out of the question. At least on a plane the thought of having sex in the bathroom was a turn-on, quite the opposite on the bus.

Now that being said we weren't angels either, we had the back row to ourselves and when the lights were off we managed to have the most uncomfortable sex I had ever experienced. The ride was long but worth it, getting to Long Beach very early on Thanksgiving Day. Alice's mom picked us up for the station and we headed to their house. The ride was a little too quiet but I decided I wasn't going to be the person to break the silence.

As the day progressed and more family arrived I found myself repeating myself a lot, playing twenty questions with every new family member that walked in the door. After a few hours of mingling Alice finally came to my rescue, pulling me upstairs. "Sorry about that bombardment, you're kind of fresh meat to those wolves."

"It’s okay they didn't bite hard." I gave her a mischievous grin now that we were alone. She could hear my thoughts but sadly wasn't feeling it.

"You're awful, my whole family is downstairs and all you can think of is getting a quickie."

"Can't blame a guy for trying/" We laughed, and then hand in hand went back downstairs. It was strangely quiet. "Where is everyone?" There came some shouting from the back yard. Alice's father was yelling at some guy in a rent a cop uniform. "Friend of yours?" I asked Alice

"Sadly yes. He is an ex boyfriend. We broke up during sophomore year. I can’t believe he showed up here like this."

I started to walk outside to assist Alice's father, but she held my arm. "He has a really fast temper." I nodded understanding and made my way through the back door to the yard. Just as I stepped onto the porch he spotted me. I wasn't prepared and he charged me causing both of us to crash into some of the porch furniture. I was a bit dazed but got to my feet first. I threw myself at him hearing Alice in the background screaming for us to stop.

I had him pinned and he yielded. "Leave Now!" I made it clear and turned away to check on Alice. I thought it was done but I was wrong, very wrong. He stood up as I was walking away and I could hear it behind me. Click...BANG. Alice's eyes were huge then she fell. The ex had ran, and I just stood there as she was dying.

I'm not sure what happened next. Every time I had an episode I suffered missing memory with time laps issues. I woke up the day after Thanksgiving under a pier. I was freezing; most of my clothing was missing. What clothes I did have were soaked in blood. Whose blood was this? I didn't seem to have any injuries. Memories of the fight with Alice's ex slowly refilled my head and the realization that she was gone forever hit me hard. I called the number Alice's mother had given me for "just in case". "Dear boy where on earth are you?"

"I'm at the pier" I explained to her while expressing how sorry I was for Alice's fate.

"Don't you dare apologies for what he did. I will come get you."

"Can you bring me a change of clothes, mine have strangely been destroyed?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2012 ⏰

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