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"What's the matter?" I ask.

"I think me and Cilla are over." He replies instantly keeping his gaze fixed on the TV but I don't think he is really watching it.

"Oh, that can't be true. You guys clearly love each other from what I've seen." I gush.

"It is, she's a child. I made a mistake bringing her here. She needs to grow up, without me." He confesses.

"What brought this on?" I ask tentatively.

"We had a fight."

"I'm sure she isn't overly thrilled with me staying here. I think it best if I go, you should fix things with her." This causes his head to snap round to me so I smile as warmly as I can at him. "Don't worry about me. I'll find somewhere to stay."

"I promised you I would help you. I'm going to. Cilla and I need time apart. I need to think and so does she. You're not leaving. We've been over this." Even in the dim light I could see the anger in his eyes of the suggestion that I leave again.

"Alright. Alright. Jeez." I roll my eyes and sigh exasperated by the fact I can't really do anything to change the situation because Elvis is so bloody stubborn.

"I want to let her find herself without me for a while. Then we can talk." He explains turning back to the TV.

"Well if you think that's best..." I shrug.

We sit in silence for a while with only the TV to provide relief. I want to say something but I don't know what so I say nothing. The silence wasn't uncomfortable but I feel like Elvis is brooding. It's driving me mad.

"Do you always have it this cold?" I finally ask.

"Yeah, I like it better this way." He replies looking at me now.

"I like my room being cold as well, it's cosier that way." I reassure him.

"Exactly." He smiles. "What do you want to do today?"

I shrug in response not really caring.

"How about we go swimming? It's a nice day." He suggests.

"Sure, I guess..." I wasn't a massive fan of swimming but he was right it was hot and I was getting sticky in my clothes, a swim would be perfect.

"Go get changed and I'll meet you downstairs with some towels. I'll let the guys know." The excitement was back in his voice.

I leave and go to change in my room. I'm suddenly conscious that I will be in my bathing suit in front about 13 guys and only 4 girls.


I do not want to be watched today. I want to fade into the background.

Well you're never going to do that if Elvis' attention is on you are you? Idiot.

I stand in the mirror looking at myself in my red and white polka dot swimsuit. My hands run over my average sized boobs and then over my slightly podgy tummy which I've always been self conscious of.

I wonder what Elvis will make of my tattoos.

Oh shit.

I focus on my 'TCB' tattoo on my the inside of my upper left arm.

He can't see that. What if he recognises it?

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