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I suck in a deep breath and hold it as I fear that I might throw up again. I hesitate as get closer to the car.  Again questioning my sanity.

"C'mon little girl. I won't bite." A southern drawl flitted out the window.

I know that voice.

I let my breath out and stand in front of the window. Then I look in. It was him.

Do not faint. Stay upright. Do not fangirl. For fucks sake.

He lowers his sunglasses and his beautiful blue eyes pierce into me.

I am definitely insane. Or dreaming. Or both.

"Hello darlin'. You alright?" He asks.

"Hello. Well no actually, I'm not." I reply.

"Oh you're English?! What's the matter?" He questions taking off his sunglasses entirely now.

"Erm, I'm lost actually. I'm not from round here and well, I saw a sign and thought this may be a good place to get my bearings." I tell him. Lying somewhat so I don't sound insane.

"What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Dawn I'm Elvis Presley." He extends a hand out of the window, I laugh and take it.

"Would ya like to come inside and explain things properly? I'll see if I can help." He offers.

"I don't want to be a pain. Don't worry. Thanks though." I smile

"I insist. I got told you got sick. Ya must be hungry. Get your bag and get in the car." He instructs. I'm taken aback by his assertive tone so I just nod and go and get my bag which I had left on the floor by the chair.

I thank Jim and get into the back of the car and am surprised by the lack of people in the car. There was only one person sat up front with Elvis. I recognise him as Joe Esposito.

"Dawn this is Joe. Joe, Dawn." Elvis introduces us.

"Hey." Joe turns and smiles my way. 

"Hi." I smile in return.

I look around the car and take it all in. I feel weirdly calm despite the situation. Maybe it was because I was so unhappy before I left. Maybe this was the fresh start I wanted. Only time would tell.

The mansion started coming into view and a knot forms in my stomach. I was going to actually go in Elvis Presley's home... With him.

Definitely dreaming.

We stop outside the house and Elvis and Joe jump straight out. I take a second before I gather my things and get out as well.

"Welcome to Graceland." Elvis smiles and opens the door.

I give him a half smile in return having already been here many times.

I step through the door into the foyer, I look to my right to see the beautiful white living room.

Elvis walks straight in there and sits down. He pats the spot next to him on the white sofa. I  take a minute to take in the fact that I'm about to sit on the usually roped off sofa that I've always wanted to.

"I told ya, I don't bite." Elvis says smiling at me.

I take my seat making mental notes of how soft it is.

"So start from the beginning..." He prompts.

"I came here to get away from my old life. That I can't go back to. So, I up and left. I've never been to Memphis before but, I got lost and wasn't feeling too well this morning."

I can't tell him. I can't. So lying was the best option really. A lot of it was half true though.

"Why can't you go back?" He asks

"I wasn't happy there and I know if I go back I'll be unhappy again." I explain.

"Hmmm, well I guess I can't help you get home then." He sounds sad.

"I'm sorry. I did try to tell you." I say as I'm about to get up.

"Don't go." He commands. I sit back in my seat again taken aback by his commanding tone.

"Do you have anywhere to stay?" He asks.

I think I do but if I don't keep with my lie, it would make no sense.

"Well I'm staying at a hotel."  I lie. I hate myself right now.

"You can stay here until you get back on your feet. Free of charge." He insists.

"I couldn't do that. I'll be alright." I smiled at him.

"No, no. Let me help please. You obviously headed this way for a reason, maybe it's fate. I wanna help." He smiles.

I knew Elvis was very religious and generous so I'm not very surprised by this offer.

"I mean, if you're sure... If I do become a burden, I'll leave. I'll go and find a job tomorrow." I start to ramble.

"Take ya time. Don't worry. You can get your stuff later." He says leaning back into the sofa and closing his eyes.

"Elvis! Elvis are you back?" I hear a high voice call out.

Priscilla. I forgot about her. Shit.

She appears in the doorway in a beautiful black dress with her signature big hair and jet black eyes.

Her eyes zero in on me and go dark.

"Whose this?" She asks coldly.

Elvis gets up and goes over to her wrapping his arms around her and kisses her head.

"This is Dawn. She's gonna be stayin' with us for a while." He told her.

"Why?" Still cold.

"Because she needs help and I offered." He took on his commanding tone with her.

"Dawn this is Priscilla." He introduces her.

I get up and extend my hand to her.

"Nice to meet you." I smile at her.

She takes my outstretched hand and gives me a tight smile. Clearly for Elvis' benefit.

"I'm just heading out shopping honey with Joan. I'll be back soon." She says leaning up to him to give him a kiss. "Bye Dawn." She adds and then leaves.

"I'm gonna go have a nap. You can get Joe to go get your things with you. Then when I'm up I'll show you your room and everything." Elvis tells me then he heads up the stairs to his private domain which I've never been allowed to see.

I'm left stood in the living room alone looking round at everything to make sure that if it was a dream then I'd remember it all.

This is really happening... This is my life now.

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