the high jack

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frick frack and snick snack were walking through the outback and saw a back pack. frick frack chit chatted to Snick Snack "hey lets attack backpack"

snick snack chat chatted back "lets do that"

snick snack and frick frack kick kak the backpack named jack jack and run  off like trick track.

frick and snick snack run so far they find a train track for which they high jack without a look back.

snickity snack unpacks the back pack whilst frick frack plays the black jack and listening to a sound track of 2 Pac

the train track hits a bear's back and they fly back. it was not a set back because the bear, named Brack Brack joins them on their trip track.

Brack Brack makes his special flap jacks and snick snack gives everyone a tic tac.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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