Chapter 15

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Annie's POV:

It had been quite the afternoon with Julia going on a date and with me accepting a date with Mason, I hoped that it would all go well.

My mom did not know about my date tonight, I knew I would have to tell her something, but I'll worry about that later.

Julia had just come back from her date as she walked into the coffee shop she was smiling brightly.

"Looks like somebody had fun today."

"Yes it was wonderful, Ill go up stairs now change and come back and I'll tell you all about it.

"Ok good, just so you know I decided to close the coffee shop a little earlier around 4:30 to give us time to get ready."

"Ok that works for me see ya in a few."

"Hurry back."

As she walked up stairs to change,I began to have the higschool students clean the dining are, while I cleaned the counter and swept the floor behind it.

It was still pretty early only 2pm and we had enough time to get ready for tonight. However, at the moment I wanted to hear every single detail about Julia's date.

As I was finishing up with the cleaning, my mom came out from her small office in the back and asked me,

"Annie, why are we almost finished paying my medical bills from when I had the stroke 3years ago?"

I froze, I knew what she was asking. She was a smart woman and probably knew that I had taken a seconded job to help with the medical bills. I honestly didn't know what to say and hadn't realized a few seconds of silenance had gone by.

All I could say was,

"Well mom, I have taken a second job that I work at only two to three times a week. Its not much, but it has helped alot. Why are you asking this now?"

"You remember that nice gentlemen Mike, well he came in this morning while you where helping Julia get ready and he mentioned that he saw you at Marty's working."

"I see."

Was all I could say. I honestly didn't know what eles to say.

My mom then broke the silence and said,

"Annie, I understand why you kept it from me and I know why you did it, just please make sure your safe."

"Thanks for understanding, actually the bouncer Eddie like you does not like me working there, so he stays nearby just in case."

"Good that makes me feel better, just one thing, who was that nice man you where taking to?"

"You mean Mason, he's a friend of  Deacon the guy that Juila had a date with."

"Oh I see is he single?"

"Yes he is, but please don't make a big fuss about it and please don't give the speech. One thing, he did ask me out I said yes and Juila is coming too, so you have nothing to worry about."

"Ok Annie, your older now and I trust you." she said with a smile.

"Thanks mom." I said hugging her.

I'm glad she understood what I was doing and why I was doing it. After our hug, we both went back to work.

I was really looking forward to tonight. It was going to be fun....

Julia's POV:

As I walked up stairs I could hear Annie talking to her mom about her secret job at Marty's.

I knew it would all go well. I entered Annie's small apt to change into my work clothes.

I wondered if Annie would want a roomate? I mean I'm here all the time and I sleep here, almost every night, so why not?

Annie had suggested it once, before a few years ago and I said I'd think about it, but we just never got back to it.

I would love to live with Annie, we do well together. I finished changing and headed down stairs to work, Annie was just finishing up cleaning the counter.

"So how was it?" I asked.

"It went surprising well."

"Good, so are we going for ice cream tonight?"

"Yes, but I think we should disscus something."


"I think we should be roomates."

"Me too, my apt lease it up next week so we can start packing tomorrow, maybe?"

"Yes let's do it."

"Ok its settled then."

We both were content with the decision for me to move in with Annie. It was actually better this way, Annie's mom always wanted us to move in together.

And now that Deacon and I were dating my life is now perfect. Deacon and I had just made our relationship, we discussed this on our date. We decided to take this slow and steady. I really appreciated this, it helped me realize that Deacon did care about how I was feeling.

"Oh Annie I forgot I need to give you the details of my date."

"Oh yes let's do that now over a cup of coffee."

As she went to go get the coffee, I went to the break room and sat down, thinking of all the little details that happened that day, which made me smile......

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