Chapter 11

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Spencer's POV:

I couldn't believe that I was about to ask Millie's father Mr. Jackson if I could date her. Before I left work Deacon and Mason wished me luck, for which I was grateful. I was waiting for Mr. Jackson in his study, his wife, Diana had let me in and greeted me with a smile just as she always did.

She also told me that I had nothing to worry about, which helped me calm down little.

Mason had told me earlier that I had nothing to worry about and his dad actually thought I was a good guy.

I patiently sat there on the small couch just waiting. It seemed like an eternity, but it had only been about 5 minutes.

Thats when Mr. Jackson walked into the room I immediately stood and extended my arm to shake his hand which he gladly excepted and said

"Spencer how are you?"

"Fine Sir thank you for asking. How about you Sir?"

"Fine thank you and please call me Robert, not sir makes me sound old."

"Whatever you say Robert." I said with a smile.

"Please sit, so we can talk."

"Alright Thanks."

"Now what exactly are your intentions with my daughter?"

"Well Robert, I have always thought of your as a sister up until about a year or so ago. Thats when everything changed, I started seening her as a woman and not my younger sister. I'm now seeing her as someone I could spend the rest of my life with.
Robert if you allow me to date Millie, I promise I will never hurt her internationally. I could never do that to her, you or Mason."

"I believe you Spencer and I trust you. You have always been a good friend to my boy and to me. I disussed this with my wife and we both feel that its a good idea if you and Millie date. So you have our blessing."

"Thank you Robert." I replied with a smile on my face.

"Now let's hope she feels the same way."

"Me too, Robert me too."

And with that I left the Jackson's house and went straight to where Millie works at Happy Valley Elementary School.

As I pulled up into a parking space I was hoping and praying that Millie would feel the same way I do.

Millie's POV:

It was such a beautiful afternoon the children were outside playing recess and Mrs. Mary Andrews my boss and I were watching them. We were sitting on park picnic table dirctly in front of the play ground.

As the children we playing Mrs. Andrews and myself talked about how the day went and about the up coming bake sale that was to be held that Saturday at 1pm in the school gym.

I loved my job my favorite part was spending time with the children, dreaming about having my own someday.

Just as Mrs. Andrews where finishing up the details of the bake sale one of my students Timmy walked over and said,

"Excuse me, Mrs. Andrews, but, Miss Millie's friend is here."

"Which friend Timmy?" I asked curiously.

"I don't remeber his name Miss Millie, but he's on of the firemen that was hugging you yesterday."

"Oh I see." I was thinking it was probably Mason my big brother. He often came to visit me when the children had recess, however, all the kids knew him so I was now confuessed.

"He's waiting for you in the classroom, Principle Tunner asked me to get you."

"Alright Timmy thank you for telling me. If you'll excuse me, Mary I'll go see who this is."

"Go ahead already and bring me, back some details." she said with a smile.

"I will" I replied laughing, as I walked towards the building anxious to see if it was my brother or one of the guys.

I was very curious as to who this vistor was. As I entered the classroom it was none other then Spencer Reed, one of Mason's best friends.

"My goodness he is handsome, with that blonde hair and those beautiful dark blue eyes. Damn he's sexy."

I then brought myself back to reality and said,

"Spencer so good to see you, how are you?"

"Hi Millie, I'm fine thanks."

"So just out of curiosity why are you here?"

"I came from your house, to talk to you actually." he said as he stepped closer to me and took my hand. The moment he took my hand my heart was beating faster then a race horse, because I had a feeling that he had a conversation with my father this morning concerning me.

"Oh you did?" I said nervously my heart was now going a million miles per second now.

"Yes and I have a feeling you feel the same way about me as I do about you."

I then gasped and thought, "how could he possibly know that I have feelings for him?"

"I bet your wondering how I know that aren't you?"

"Yes" I said slowly.

He then leaned into me, I didn't move I didnt want to. I wanted to take in his scent of old spice and vanilla and just stay there forever, I closed my eyes taking it in.

He then whispered in my ear quietly saying,

"Remember I'm a firemen, I take pulses for a living."

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