Chapter 8

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Deacon's POV:

As I walked to Annie's Coffee Shop to pick up Julia I was really nervous it had been a couple of years since I had dated anyone since Emily's passing.

It had taken me a long time to move on and heal. Longer then I expected, I just tried to remember the good times we had together, which helped.

But these days however, Julia filled my thoughts, I kept replaying the day when we offically meet, yesterday over and over again. I hoped I was occupying her thoughts as well.

I walked to the coffee shop because it was literally 5mins away and I figured that Juila and I could talk on the way back to get my car at the station.

It was a nice day with a light breeze I was sure Juila won't mind the short walk back to my car. As I approached the coffee shop my nervousness only grew, my heart only raced faster and faster as I approached the coffee shop door.

I finally reached my destination, I opened the door only to smell fresh coffee and freshly baked goods. Thats when I ran into Annie the coffee shop owner.

"Hello, you must be Deacon, Julia is expecting you. I'm Annie by the way"

"Yes hi, nice to meet you Annie. Is Julia ready?" I replied politely.

"Yes she is I'll go upstairs and tell her you are here."

"Ok Thanks Annie."

"Your welcome Deacon."

And with that she went upstairs to get Julia. Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours just waiting for Julia.

Within minutes there she was dressed and heading towards me. Man, she was stunning in that dress with roses on it with a light red sweater. She was carrying a picnic basket, she had insisted on making lunch for us.

I froze just looking at her, I was then brought back to reality by Julia's voice saying,

"Hi Deacon, how has your morning been so far?"

"Hi Julia, it was good. How has yours been?"

"Fine, busy as usually for a Tuesday morning."

"Sounds busy. You ready to go?"

"Yes, its such as nice day. I'm glad you choose to take me on a picnic."

"Me too Juila, me too."

Julia's POV:

As I finished getting ready for my date with Deacon, thoughts of our coversation yesterday came to mind.

He looked so cute when he blushed with embarrassment when he realized he had complimented me out loud, it was too funny.

Annie had curled my hair to perfection and I was just finishing up putting on some light makeup, when suddenly I heard the bell ring to the coffee shop's front door opening. I also heard Annie talking to Deacon. I knew she would come upstairs to get me.

I quickly stood in front of the mirror in Annie's room and saw that I looked nice, thats when Annie walked into the room.

"He's here, have fun and when you come back I want to know everything." she said excitedly.

"Ok I will. Don't worry I'll give you all the juicey details. Ok here I go."

I replied as headed down stairs only to find Deacon waiting for me. I hadn't noticed that he was staring at me until I reached the bottom of the stairs.

I proceeded to break the ice by saying hi and asking,

"Hi Deacon, how has your morning been so far?"

"Hi Julia, it was good. How has yours been?"

"Fine, busy as usually for a Tuesday afternoon."

"Sounds busy. You ready to go?"

"Yes, its such as nice day. I'm glad you choose to take me on a picnic."

"Me too Juila, me too."

And we both walked out the door off to enjoy the rest of our afternoon together....

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