Swimming and Packing for home - Part 6

Start from the beginning

"You can go" he says and we went.

"Weeeeee" I cheered trying to make him feel a bit happier which he wasn't.

"Daddy" he sobbed.

"It's alright" I soothed as we got closer to the end.

"AAAHHH" he sobbed as we got to the end and it splashes you a bit at the end.

"I take it you didn't like that Blaine?" San asks.

"Um no, so we won't be doing that again" I chuckle as we head back into the pool.

"I'm going to go try, Britt you coming back on the slide?" she asks her.

"Yeah dat fun" she smiles.

"Oh dear, what's the matter hun?" Carole asks as we get to her.

"Don't wike swide" he sniffles.

"Aww that's ok, why don't we teach you how to swim?" she asks.

"Eah" he smiles a bit.

"Ok, so daddy will hold you like that, you kick your feet" she instructs and he kicks his legs.

"Your feet sweetie" she chuckles and he kicks his feet.

"Yeah good boy" she praises.

"Now hold these kick boards" she says and I keep my arms close to his belly under the water as he was holding onto the boards.

"Now kick sweetie" she encourages. And Blaine moves, he kicks his feet and he moves.

"Yay Blaine, you did it, good job" Rachel cheers and Finn claps.

"Hey you missed it, Blaine's swimming without my help" I say to Santana.

"Darn it, its probably because Britt wanted the toilet and so many go's on the slide" she explains.

"Ill see if he can come back" I say to her as he was with Carole and dad, getting lots of kisses and praise.

"See if he will come back" I call out, we weren't that far from each other as he just started learning.

"Ok, go Blaine" dad says and Blaine moves with a smile on his face.

"You did it baby" I praise once he finally got to me.

"Good job Blaine" Santana praises.

"Daddy, gen gen" he cheers.

"Alright back to grandpa and grandma" I say and off he goes.

"Does Britt know how to swim?" I ask Santana.

"Yeah, she does, Britt show uncle Kurt that you can swim" San says.

"Tay weady unca 'urt" she says as she looks at me.

"I'm ready sweetie" I chuckle.

"Mama tan me dump in der 'ool?" she then asks when she comes back.

"Umm sure baby, go for it, do you want me to catch you?" she asks.

"Umm eah pwease" she says as she climbs out of the pool and up to the edge.

"3...2...- and before Santana can finish, Britt's already jumping in the pool.

"Ok, were you a little bit excited to just get in there?" I ask her as I laugh.

"Eah, gen gen" she chuckles and San decides to just keep helping her up.

"Daddy me 'ump in der 'ool?" he asks.

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