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The next day Tithi woke up to the most vexing sound, her ringtone was continuously buzzing causing her to groan in her sleep. She rejected the call and shut her eyes closed to sleep more. Sunlight flared in her room from the glass window. Her desire to wallow more in the bed, the urge to roll on the bed and sleep till noon suddenly vanished as she gaped at the clock. 11 A.M it said. Holy christ! She overslept. And she was late. Very.

But how could she be late? She had always been cautious enough to put an alarm before sleeping. How could she have forgotten about putting an alarm? She got up from the bed and quickly rushed in to her bathroom to get ready. She was already late and she couldn't afford to be any more. But suddenly yesterday's events came rushing in into her mind. Oh of course. Now she knew why she had forgotten about putting an alarm. She had been engrossed thinking about Siddharth and his family. Doesn't matter now. She brushed off those thoughts and after a quick shower changed into her white saree, the dress code of the court. She took her white band and shoved it into her handbag, while she hanged her black advocates gown on her right hand. She did not apply any make up, for she wasn't a big fan of it. She tied her hair into a messy bun and immediately hurried out of her room. Grabbing her car keys, she didn't bother having breakfast and reached the court. Although her case wasn't till lunch, she had to prepare herself for other cases as well.

She rushed into her office and was relieved to saw Raj, her assistant lawyer handling one of her client. He was a good looking guy and good at his work, and she was sure he would, in an year or so, become independent. He was an year older than him, but still worked under him because of realising a little late, about what he wanted to do in his life.

Her cabin wasn't very luxurious, but it was bearable. At least she had an Air conditioner, lest she wouldn't be able to survive the scorching summer. Her cabin was spacious, with a wooden table, chairs and an almirah to keep all her files. She kept it mostly pristine, just a small wooden temple that she had hung on the wall. She was a spiritual person and believed in God. She had a lot of faith in him and after coming to her cabin, she would daily pray and do the pooja, except for her shark days.

She moved in front of the temple, closed her eyes, joined her hands and prayed. She burnt an incense stick and placed it in front of the idols of God. Then she drifted her mind towards her work.

She was feeling weak because she didn't had the time to eat breakfast, but she had four cases pending that day.

Three hours went by, and the proceedings of three of her cases went in the right direction, and she was pretty sure the that on the next date of the cases, the verdict would be in their favour only. Her last case for the day was unfortunately going to extend till 6:30.

She came back to her cabin and sat on the chair. She was rummaging through her mobile phone when she saw 2 missed calls from unknown numbers. Weird. So she dialed the number. She was waiting for someone to pick up the phone, but when the person did, she heard a known voice.

"Hello?" The voice said.

Her mouth went dry. She wasn't expecting Siddharth to call her. But he did. And how did he get her number?

"Tithi?" His voice was so smooth.

She cleared her throat.

"Hello?" She squeaked, though that was what she was trying not to do.

"Tithi. It's me Siddharth."

"Hi. I'm sorry I couldn't pick up your phone. My phone was in the cabin while I went in for the proceeding." She apologised.

"Yeah. Hi. Its no problem. I figured you must be busy. Um anyway, you know we had to meet today right?" He asked her in a composed tone.

"Yes. I remember."

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