Getting to know each other

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      Lady (L/N) has been rather annoying lately. Each time I try to do my work she is usually in my study looking over my shoulder, making odd comments and asking painfully obvious questions. Other times she keeps quiet but stares at me or makes faces. 

    "Ciel you should take a break, surely all that work is frustrating. You wouldn't want to overwork yourself." She told me. 

    "As unnecessary as a break is normally, I would especially not take any breaks today because I have gotten very little work done because you keep distracting me." I responded raising my voice a little. 

   "Oopsie, sorry," and she just made one of her faces again. I swear she was acting this way to get my attention. No, I know she was doing this to get my attention. During tea times or meals she would act more sophisticated and normal; even when asking those dumb questions she didn't act this way. 

    I also don't remember when we got on a first name basis but correcting her would just waste my time. 

    "Can you please occupy yourself in another part of the manner while I am doing my paperwork?" I asked her. 

    "Only if we can have tea at 4:00!" She demanded. Why did she always want to have tea with me? Was that just her trying to get me to take a break? 

  "Fine." I compromised. 

   She gave a light smile before she headed to the door to do something else around the building. 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz