Devon's POV-

I was so proud of my distraction technique that landed Shane in the water. I was so busy doing my victory dance that I hadn't noticed the arms that picked me up. I looked to the water an noticed that Shane was still in the water and next thing I know, I'm flying through the air and hit the water as I hear laughing around me. I resurfaced to see Marty doing his best body-building pose of sorts to show us who was the king of the castle and then he jumped in again with the rest of us.

We had loads of fun and I couldn't help but notice the looks that Sidney and was giving Marty. As I headed to the cabana to change, Marty grabbed my arm softly. I turned to look at him. I noticed Sidney and Shane having a conversation.

“Please don't say anything to him.” He tells me. “I'd like to be the one to mention it to him.”

“Say what?” I tell him and smile.

“Thanks.” He tells me and lets me go.

As I began changing, Sidney knocked on the door and let herself in once I told her I was decent. I turned to look at her and smiled.

“What?” She says.

“What's going on between you and Marty, exactly?” I ask my best friend.

“Nothing? Why?” She tells me.

“You can't fool me one bit, Sid.” I tell her. “The looks? Come on! What exactly happened last night after you left?” She blushed.

“Well, we didn't leave right away.” She says and begins to explain how she seriously had gone outside to get some air with the full intention of coming back but that Marty showed up with a beer for both of them and they got to talking.

“He kissed you?” I said a little louder than I wanted to but I knew that the boys were far enough from hearing distance.

“Twice.” She tells me. “And it felt as amazing as that first kiss ages ago.” I couldn't help but feel giddy for her. “I didn't get that with Tony. I mean, he's hot and all that but I never thought that this whole weak in the knees thing would ever happen. I mean, he blew my mind back then but I thought it was just a first kiss kind of thing; but then, last night happened and...”

“And now you can't let it go.” I tell her. She nodded. “You're in trouble then.” She looks at me in confusion. “Shane makes me feel like that every time he kisses me.”

“Really? I would have thought that it wears off after a while.” She tells me and I laugh.

“It hasn't yet.” I tell her.

“Do you think that Shane would be okay with this all?” She asks me.

“I guess we'll find out when Marty talks to him.” I tell her. I couldn't help but laugh at the look of surprise she had on her face. Judging by that, she had no clue what Marty was about to do.

Shane's POV-

I was cooking some burgers on the barbecue when the girls emerged from the changing cabana. I wonder what was going on with the two of them. I kept wondering if it had anything to do with why Marty wants to talk to me after we eat. I noticed the looks my sister had been giving Marty. Was her school-girl crush back? It would be fun to tease her but I knew better. With the temper that developed within her over the last few years, you didn't want to be caught on her bad side.

We had sat down and ate our lunch, talking about what there girls were planning on doing with themselves for college. Marty and I cleaned up and headed for the driveway to play a little one-on-one basketball. Something we used to do when we had to talk about something important. I didn't think that Marty would have brought that up but I followed suit, leaving the girls to bake in the sun.

“So, what's on your mind?” I asked him after our first few warm up passes and baskets.

“I know I just got back.” He started. “But I wanted to know where you stood with me being around here.” I passed him the ball and chuckled.

“Dude, you sure you're not still drunk? I don't follow.” I tell him. And then a thought crosses my mind and I thought it smart to bring this up, somehow. “Does this have anything to do with Sidney?” Marty sinks a basket and grabs the ball and passes it to me so I could pass it back to him.

“What if it did?” He asked me. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him.

“Well, I'd say you have a shit load of explaining to do.” I tell him. He hands me the ball. To my surprise, I wasn't mad at him. I knew he had gotten around after moving and all but I also knew the real Marty. The one that I grew up with, the one that stood in front of me right this minute. “So what happened?” He shrugged his shoulders.

Marty's POV-

I started off by telling him about six years ago. I explained that she had been on my mind since then. No, I wasn't in love with her but I simply couldn't shake the attraction I had for her.

“I honestly thought that after so much time away, that there wouldn't be anything between us.” I told him as he listened. We were now sitting on the front steps of the house, indulging in some water. “And then I found myself face-to-face with her, when I showed up looking for you and couldn't believe how much of a firecracker she'd become.”

“That's my sister.” I chuckled.

“Yeah, and that's where the problem lies.” I start. I felt him look at me as I stared down to my feet. “I didn't plan on my first kiss being with your sister six years ago, just like I didn't plan on kissing her again last night. I can't explain it.”

“It's like a magnet.” He tells me and I look up at him. “Trust me, the pull gets stronger.”

“I know.” I tell him. “I've noticed.”

In the end, we had a great conversation. Shane understood where I was coming from and he told me I was crazy for attempting to have a thing with his sister but that he was fine with it. He made a crack about me coming to my senses soon enough when I got to know the true Sidney but I laughed it off. We got up and headed back to the girls. I needed a dip.

Sidney's POV-

The boys came back, shirtless and glistening with sweat. I couldn't help but eye Marty over the rim of my sunglasses. He smirked at me and stopped by my lounger. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Before I could react, I was in the water and his arms were around me but not in a playful manner. As I surfaced, his lips were on mine. I squealed and pulled away, slapping across the face for effect.

“What are you doing?” I say and I can hear Shane laughing hysterically. I turned to my brother and not only is he doubled over in a fit of giggles, Devon looked about as confused as I was. I felt Marty's hands reach my waist and his lips by my ear.

“He knows about us.” He tells me at a whisper. “And woman, you really need to stop hitting me! You've got to learn how to be feisty in other ways.” And I hear Devon start laughing hysterically. I turn to look at Marty and notice his face bearing my red hand print. I put my hand up to his cheek.

“Why'd you do that?” I asked him.

“So I can kiss you any time I want.” He tells me with the most innocent face and I feel myself blush. He grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me tenderly. As he pulled away, I couldn't help but close the gap on him and an idea floated into my head. I backed and sunk under the water until I resurfaced with momentum and dunked him under. I turned around and looked at my brother and he gave me a smiling nod that meant all was right as rain.

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