
"You made it!" Kember smiled as Navina entered the galley.
She rose from the couch in the small corner, grabbed a tray from the shelf and began to load it with things that Navina had never even seen before; just like that purple fruit ball thing, so sweet and tender.
"You need to eat something!" Kember smiled again,and nodded her head for Navina to sit down.
"I'm not really hungry!" She admitted, and it was the truth, that little ball of sweetness had done a good job of filling her up.
"They have cake!" Kember's smile turned to a grin. "They even have one of those platforms that creates whatever you ask it to; if it's been programmed!"
"Cherry on the cake!" Navina couldn't help but laugh as she took a seat next to her friend at the table.
"What?" Kember looked at her, so confused as she held her cup half way to her lips.
"Why don't we order up a pot of your Mother's famous stew and head on back to my suite, complete with fireplace, soaker bath and freaking wall sized view screen?" She rolled her eyes.
"Figures you'd get the soaker tub!"Kember laughed, and took a swig of whatever she was drinking. "Seems Kion, likes to travel in style."
Navina shouldn't have taken a sip of that juice, as it came shooting out all over the tray in front of her. "This is his ship?"
"I was just as surprised!" She grinned, "But he says he's gonna teach me to fly it!"
Oh, now wasn't she just glowing! Right down to the shimmering blur highlights, that were in fact, shimmering before Navina's eyes. What the hell was going on?
Everything seemed brighter, more vivid. The sheer white walls that surrounded them, the gleam off the freshly waxed flooring, in black, like most of the ship. Even the windows that lined the far wall, where they even windows? Or more view screens like the one in her room?
Tables and chairs, all black with white posts, the only things that didn't come in a shade of one or the other, were the shiny metal utensils and pots, that hung from the ceiling in the kitchen. There were no pictures here, not like she had found in the corridors that led to the galley that could double as a med bay. Maybe that's what it was for?
"I thought, Kion, was a detective?" Navina blurted out, still wiping away the juice from the front of her shirt. "What sort of detective gets his own boat?"
"One that works for the Kalvashian Secret Service, and happens to be under cover in their more, sinister, of societies."
"Making him a...?"Navina urged her to continue, as hr mind raced with more questions.
"Their Warlord!"
It was a good thing that Navina had given up trying to drink from her cup, for she'd be cleaning it up,again. A Warlord, really? It was a few seconds before she realized she was glaring at her friend, but the female was just shaking her head.
"He's on assignment!" Kember whispered.
"Really? What's his mission? What does he have to uncover as he murders a few hundred people along the way?" She rolled her eyes,and tossed the last of the wet napkins on the tray.
"He's working with some pretty powerful people,  Vina! His home world was attacked, just over a week ago, and he was riding front and center onone of their cruisers, and managed to get out a message, saving thousands of lives."
Wow! Kember was fierce in defending the male, but then, the female had always been fierce. She'd inherited that from her mother, and though it seemed as if their was some bad blood between them, Kember retained everything, the female had taught her. She's never admit it, and no one would dare say it, but Kember was far more powerful than her mother could ever be. She'd gone to the academies, she'd studied the dark arts as her mother had, but then she'd also studied the art of light as well; and had mastered both, long before she'd met Navina.
"You know, Lync has been an absolute mess for the past twelve hours?" Kember sighed, after she couldn't handle the silence any longer.
"Yeah, he doest hat!" Navina joined in, and shook her head. "I hate that he worries so much..."
"Getting knocked around like that,how many times this week? I'd say he's doing pretty good!"
"Male heals faster than I do! He can take it!" Navina smiled,before moving the tray out of the way, and letting her head fall into her arms in the table.
"Not him, you, Vina! Who knows what the hell happened to you on the last assignment, and then you fell down that hole..."
"What happened back there? After we got out?" Navina asked, her words muffled through her shirt.
"I don't know, I was already on board the ship! Kion wouldn't let me leave, but promised he'd send someone for you!"
Navina remembered climbing out of the sewer, listening to the shouts and screams of those not so lucky nearby, and then there was that explosion...
"Something blew up!"
"Yeah, we did!"his voice echoed through her mind as he made his way into the galley.
The moment his hands lay on her shoulders, slipping around to the front as he kissed the top of her head and the slid down in the chair next to her. There were no words to describe it,the feeling of warmth wrapped around her, his scent so wild and heated, he was here, and she was safe.
"I missed you!" She smiled, and let him nuzzle into her neck.
He didn't reply, not with words anyhow, and when Kember groaned, and started to rise from the table...
"Where are you going?" Navina asked, and then felt the nip as he bit her ear.
"I need a drink, and a flying lesson! Not too sure which one will come first, but we'll see!" She laughed, and made her way out of the room.
Sure, why not? Navina could use some alone time with Lync anyhow, maybe she'd figure some of this shit out. Not once had she imagined something like this happening, but then, of all the moments she had witnessed, all the places that were locked in her mind, she had never been able to see her own, nor Lync's.
Alone, and in his arms, she gave in to the hunger that raced through her body, his lips dragging along her neck, his arms to tight, so strong as they wrapped around her. Neither of them seemed to care that they were still in the galley, the heat taking them over, their fingers peeling away at that which obstructed their pleasure.
It was no problem, for Lync to shimmy out of the sweats that he wore, tugging on shorts she had found in one of the dressers back in her room. He didn't bother removing her shirt, simply pulling it above above her chest, his fingers working furiously as they played and wrestled with her nipples.
Navina let out a whimper as he rose from his chair,picking her up so she could wrap her legs around his hips, and he carried her towards the couch. If only they had made it that far...
The counter top was closer, and with only the sheer fabric of her panties to safe guard her most intimate of places, his lips descended upon her again. He still spoke no words, though his groans and growls were enough to excite her even more, feeling the wetness building between her thighs, her body so desperate to feel his against it. It had been, but a few days, and yet her body was acting like it had been a few years since it had been satiated in such ways, craving what hid beneath his briefs and longing for that sinful touch.
The feel of his fingers against her belly, edging towards the silk of her panties, slipping beneath to the treasure it held as he whimpered for more. She could smell the lust pouring out of him, and taste him with each kiss she lay on his shoulder. She heard his heart pounding beneath that chiseled chest and sensed the power running through his veins as his body draw closer and closer still.
They were here, in the galley, and there was a war going on inside her. Her body wanted to continue, counting it as a sin to break up such a beautifully sinful encounter, and yet her mind ran rampant with thoughts of the door opening, and their moment wouldn't be so private; but then, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, now would it?
Such wicked things were running through her mind, one half tempted to leave for safer surroundings, the other wanting nothing more than to lay in front of a thousand peering eyes as her mate took from her what he so desperately wanted.
That was a far cry from where they ended up though, as he stripped what was left from her body, his emerald greens eyes aglow as he gazed upon her. His hands crept up her back as he pulled her closer, his lips searching out her, the kiss so hard, so filled with sinful pleasures. It may have been his mood, or the fact that he still considered her 'injured' but his lips left hers wanting, sliding down the front of her body, groaning as he drew closer, and closer still.
His tongue felt so warm as it slid between her thighs, his hands sliding down her back once more,cupping her lower cheeks and pulling her closer still. Navina had to brace herself as she felt the tingles start, arching her back, she hoped like hell she didn't lose her grasp as the waves grew more intense. She was his, and he was proving it, claiming every inch of her body, covering her in his scent. He mapped out the delicate folds with his lips, searching deeper as she squirmed about, her legs locked about his shoulders.
"Fuck, me!" She managed to get out, as he slid his forefinger across that little bud of passion, tickling and teaser her until he felt her body shudder beneath his touch.
He released her for the moment, his lips sliding backup towards her neck, and then nipping at her ear as he positioned himself between her thighs, "As you wish!" He growled, and slid himself inside, listening to the whimpers and moans of his female.
They were doing it, right here, and right now; and oh, how it felt so good. So much pleasure, so much passion, all contained inside the little black and white box called the galley. So naughty, and yet, so good, all at once, and she could help gut grin as she slid her arms around his neck, letting him lift her from the counter, and letting himself slide deeper inside of her.
Rocking their hips in time with one another, feeling their bodies rub up against one another,the friction, the heat; no wonder he was growling as his muscles tensed beneath her, and his pace grew quicker, and harder. The shudder he let out, and the sudden warmth within her core, Navina couldn't help but let go, feeling his hardened sex throb inside her;this, was paradise.
Panting like an animal, and shaking like a leaf on the wind, Navina clung to Lync's shoulders, her legs still wrapped around his waist as the cool counter top touched her bare cheeks once more.
"I, love you!" He let out, nipping at her neck some more, and then across her cheek, taking her lips against his, he kissed her again.
"I know!" She smiled back against his kisses, letting his hands caress the body he had left so very satiated.
He growled again, ending with a long,drawn out groan, nuzzling into her neck. It was only a few moments,in which they clung to one another, their bodies covered in that thin film of sexual bliss, but it felt like more than that; it felt,alive.
Each second she was with him, each and every stroke of his fingers, or thrust so willingly received, she felt the intoxicating allure rising, a heightened sense of, well, everything really. Perhaps the explosion had knocked her around in a good way?Maybe it triggered some switch to flip, and she was like some superhuman freak?
Yeah right, she was already a freak. Being a traveler was bad enough, but a traveler who couldn't travel? One with huge gaps in her memories, and some memories that weren't even really hers?
Yup, she was a winner.
"Don't think like that!"He broke through the silence, his body still so warm against hers.
"Like what?" She inquired, laying a few kisses down across his shoulder.
"Like you're a fuck up! Cause you're not!" He smiled, his eyes so bright. "The world has a wicked sense of humor,but that's not your fault!"
What the hell? How had he known?
"I didn't think that!" She laughed.
"Right, cause it's not written all over your face!" He smiled and shook his head, then kissed her forehead before fetching her clothes for her.
"I'm just exhausted!" She lied, "Someone, wore me out!" She added with a giggle.
"I'm take you again..." He groaned as he kissed her again, "... but this is, he galley! People will have to eat here!"
"I know I'll enjoying coming back here!" Navina grinned at him as he backed away and pull on his briefs.
"Totally!" He grinned back at her.
It was like nothing had happened, nothing from before their intimate encounter that it, It didn't matter that they had had to escape the planet, or that Kion, was in fact an under cover whatever and this was, his, ship. Something had gone way wrong, whether it was the beach party with Princess Pops, or the attack itself, something had changed, and Navina wasn't too sure what to make of it.
"So,where are we headed?"
"Anywhere, but back there!" He grumbled passing her the slippers she had found in the closet.
She'd found lots of things in the closet. Lots of cloths, lots of shoes, lots of daggers and more. Clearly, the closet, and the items inside it, belonged to some other female; but with the need for something to wear, and not to mention the fact that she woke up there, someone had actually put her in there, a pair of shorts and at-shirt wasn't really asking much.
"I want to know what the fuck happened back there!" She sighed and shook her head before sliding the t-shirt down over her chest.
"So do I, Babe! So do I!"
"So we just popped up into the street and were ambushed? Who rescued us? How did we end up here, on a journey to who the hell knows where?"
"Kember! And Kion too, the male has enough blood slaves to fit an entire army!" He chuckled, but Navina wasn't impressed.
"They're indentured to his family, no soul more loyal, and in his line of work..." Lync shrugged his shoulders and then put o his sweats.
He left the shirt on the floor, making his way towards the counter for a drink;every damn muscle calling out to her, begging for her to feel them,caress them.
"They're still trapped, forced to serve someone else!"
"Not all of them! Look, it's complicated, but it's their way of life!" He came towards her, "We may not like it, but that's what it is!"
"It's not right!" She mumbled, and felt his kiss on her forehead.
"Come on, they're probably waiting for us! Let's find out where we're going!" He smiled, taking her hand and helping her down from the counter, before handing her the shorts.

Legends - A Devil's Daughters Crossover - Book One (Published)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora