Baeeball and new school

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we get in noah's truck and head down to the ball park once we get there we head to the bleachers I had made signs for all of us mine said

'go matt your 1 of the best big brother in the world  I love you'

noahs said

'go matt number 12 love ya'

and gales said

'#go #matt #gomatt #mattisbeast #iloveyou'

the game starts and matt is the 1st to bat

"go matt you can do it"

he hits the ball and runs to first base

matts team wins 12-0

the whole team is going out for ice cream me gale and noah are going too I get choclate and choclate syrup on it and gummy bears and sour gummy worms

once were done we go home 

"hey we need to face time mama and daddy"i say

we out the computer and text mama telling them to get on they call us on face time

"hi guys"

"hi mama hi daddy" we all say in sync

"so mama what are we going to do about our edumacation"

"well were sending you to  new school its the newest and best school in Alabama and its right near our house it starts in  a week your all 4 enrolled in it and open house is tomorrow so matt your in charge of meeting all of your brothers and sister teachers and rell us about them and get to your own understand"

"yes mama I will meet gale noah and amy teachers"

"do we have to wear uniforms"I ask

"no so you will need to go buy new school clothes"

"also amy go check the mail we got somthings for each of you"

"yes ma'ma "

I get up and go to the door but there is a giant package on our front porch so I pick it up it says 'FRAGILE' in big letters on the to it also says mom and dads name on it ok I go inside grab a knife and go into the living room I hand the box and knife to gale he opens it carefully and inside there are 4 new mac computers and 4 new iphone 5c

"amy gets pink noah gets blue gale gets green and matt gets yellow"mom says

we grab our phones their already set up

"the computers are for school work"

"yes ma'ma thank you"

"ok be at the scool at 2 understand me Mathew"

"yes mama I will be there at 2 on the dot"

"ok love you guys" they say

"we love y'all to bye"

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peace love and nandos

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