Chapter 1: The Announcement

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"Hey everybody! My name is Heart of a Gamer Girl, and before I start this video, I wanted to thank you for five million subscribers. This has been an amazing experience for me and I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my nerdy-gamer girl heart." I say to the camera sincerely. I don't know what I would do without my fans to be honest. I've been a youtuber for about 8 years, ever since freshman year of high school, and I love it! They have been amazing people, I don't get a lot of hate. I don't know why though.

Oh! I am so so sorry. My name is Delilah O'Shea. I am 22 years old and I live in Boston Massachusetts, near the ballpark. Which is great because I love the Red Sox! Don't hate on me! But, I also love video games and am apart of 25 different fandoms. I just dyed my brown hair to a silvery purple. I have ocean blue eyes just like Misha Collins. (He is bae!) I'm 5'6", kinda tall but not very.

This year is my Junior year at Boston University for Computers. I love building computers. To be honest, I've only built two. The first one was just for school work in high school, but the second one is for games.

"And for this special accomplishment, I would like you all to go to twitter with the hashtag, 'Heart of million co-lab' and tell me who you want me to co-lab with. I have some wicked ideas for this, but if we do want I had ideas for, it will have to wait until my next school vacation. I don't know many youtubers, so when you tweeting me, also tweet the collaborator you chose. I'm very excited to see what you guys say. Enough about that, you get the idea! Let's play the Last of Us!" I finish with my arms in the air. I start up the game and I'm very excited to see what's in store for me.

"Now you guys know me. I'm horrible at horror games because I get scared easy. For any of you that are new, go watch the first time I played Five Nights at Freddy's. Spoiler alert! You have five seconds before I say it, go watch it because it's hilarious as fuck! Five... Four... You better go or you're an Idiot for not listening to me! Three... Two!...---"


My fans asked me to play this new game called Five Nights at Freddy's. I'm sure how much I'll like it. I've never played a horror game because of my deep hatred for horror movies. But it gets weirder, I can watch horror TV show, IF I'm watching it in the morning, in the living room, coffee in my hand with a person I trust in the house.

I turn on my equipment and start the video. Did my ritual for syncing my video and audio afterward. Plugged in my crappy headphones and the rest of the things that I needed to do to make a video.

"Hey everybody! You're watching me, Heart of a Gamer Girl and welcome to a new type of 'let's play' on my channel. A lot of you guys wanted me to play it so, here we go!"

I played through day 1,2 and 3 and still haven't died. I might be really good at this game to think of it! All it is, is make sure the robots don't get to you in a little tiny ass room. "You guys are saying this is scary? Nothing has happened yet! I think I've already beat the game. what do you guys think?"

But! But as I say this, Freddy pops up on screen, scaring the ever-loving-shit out of me. So bad, that my roll-y chair flipped backwards pulling my headphones off my head in the process! Backwards! I'm freaking talented as fuck! When I fall, the desk shakes so the the camera shakes. My desk lap falls and breaks the bulb so now its kind bark in the room. I hate my life.


"---One! So now its just us. You and I. You all get cookies. Welcome back if went to go watch it. Funny huh?"

After playing for two hours, more or less, its really late and need to go to bed so I can get to class tomorrow. While the announcement is uploading to YouTube, I change into my fluffy plaid shorts and a green tank-top and slip in the tardis blue covers and fall into a rocky sleep thinking, "Who are they going to pick?"

Alright! Welcome to this new book of mine. I'm having so many ideas for so many fandoms, i don't think I can have a life! If you want to see all of my ideas, check my OC look book and what story you want to read.

Heart Of A Gamer Girl (Jackseptic) FFWhere stories live. Discover now