Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-

Jamie Sanders POP.

I'm so worried right now, me Des and Charles have been locked in this new mall, the bad thing is its flooded. We were looking for some new xbox games, when a bloody siren decides to go off. Then I was waiting to get served for the new Grand Theft Auto, and the worker runs off. Now us three are stranded in a flooding mall alone.

"Des you seen anyways out yet" I asked him hoping he'd reply with a great answer.

"None, god knows long we'll be stuck in here for," he answered me back saying.

I stood up and walked past the fountain on the second floor. Then kept walking for a good sign. Surely someone else was in here. Then stupidly I thought to try my phone. As you probably guessed no reception.

"This place is a load of sh*t" I shouted kicking the bin beside me. I could see the water getting deeper and deeper.

I heard someone shout Jamie, quickly I turned my head to Des and Charles, thats when they both pointed to behind me. And there was Morgan, and Eva who dearly hated me.

"Hey Morgan!" I shouted. "and Eva.." I mumbled.

"I take it you guys are stuck here too" Morgan asked.

"No Morgan we decided to chill" I said sarcastically.

"Really.." Morgan asked looking at me as if I was stupid.

"No Morgan, he's being a sheer asshole" Eva said in the background.

She did NOT look happy to see me. I seen Morgan run towards Charles shouting on him. Then before we all knew it, they were both snogging against the wall. They didn't know if they wanted each other, cause the next minute curse words were being tossed around. Eva stood there rolling her eyes, I'm not surprised she hated me to be honest. I was a utter pr*ck to her. But she has hated me to long, I've apologised so many times I've lost count. But she would never forgive.

"How are you Eva?" I asked as Morgan and Charles were at it again.

"Cause you care..." She replied back, well she wasn't wrong, I didn't but I'd rather she seen I was trying.

"You try to hard for nothing" she said looking at her watch.

Eva's POP.

The anger built up inside me, he was actually trying to talk to me, after the things he did. I would've accepted his apology ages ago, but sorry can't remove the scars. I quickly pulled Morgan from Charles and pulled her another route. But guess who followed, The jock and his bitches. Not that I cared to be honest, the more, the better chance of getting out of here.

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