Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-

Morgans POP.

I could see others question the sky, and before I knew it, it was pelting.

"Your f*cking kidding me right?" I mumbled to Eva.

"Rain, since when, last time it rained was like 5 months ago" Eva said as the two of us, were standing like complete idiots, as others pushed there way passed us. Thats when a fire siren went off, or what we took for granted was one. Everyone rushed out, quickly as I struggled with about 40000 bags.

"Over here" Eva shouted.

She was pointing towards two doors. But they didn't lead us out, quickly the mall was half empty, and I stumbled over to where Eva was pointing. We pushed our way through the doors, which took us too an empty corridor, full of doors. It was a staff only way, but Eva being right as always, promised there would be an exit down here. Thats when I seen the shutters go down.

"Oh,my,god Eva the shutters are going down, and its only the back of 3" I said looking back through the glass window on the doors.

"What the actual f*ck" Eva said looking also.

Thats when quickly the ground rumbled, and shook. Causing me to drop my bags.

"It-Its and earthquake" I screamed. "What do we do Eva".

"Just sit down it will be fine" She said.

Both of us, sat down, hoping we'd be ok, then thats when water started rushing in underneath some of the doors.

"What the hells going on" I screamed standing to me feet. Both me and Eva rushed back through the doors and, I left my bags, and put whatever I could in my pockets. I looked at the glass dome, which was smashed, and had a huge waterfall rushing in.

"It must've been a tsunami Morgs" Eva said, her face going pale.

I flung me hair back and ran towards the main entrence, the water waist high. The shutters were down for good, and Eva suggested that we'd go upstairs before the water got higher. Quickly we both ran up the escalators which had stopped working. We looked lost, and to be fair we were. The whole mall was empty, except from us two.

"So what do you think the siren was for..." I asked Eva who had her head in her hands. "I mean it couldn't have been for a fire, could it?".

"I wondered that as well" She answered looking around.

We both wondered around, I noticed the water had raised a lot since the last half hour. Was it just a coincidence that a new mall, that me and Eva have been dying to go to miraculously floods because of some tsunami. The wave must've been huge. How could so many people have managed to rush out in under 5 minutes. It honestly questioned me.

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