Chapter 17

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Chapter 17-

Eva's POP.

I ran out in the smoke, then bullets filled my ears. Macy and Morgans body lay still on the carpet. He killed them, I quickly leaped for him, not caring if I died. I hit his head rapidly, until he cried in pain, then I grabbed the gun and he kicked me from his body. I rolled over and ran off with the gun, and then dived into the water. The place was almost filled with water, I swam over to the other landing and done a bolter. And then someone stood, some about my age. 

"Help me, Help me" I screamed grabbing his shoulder.

He turned around helping me stand.

"Where have you been?!" I asked him.

"In here? I was trapped, and someone tried to kill me" He replied.

I didn't bother asking his name, it was pointless, in roughly half an hour I would never see him again, I'd be dead. The glass roof above us collapsed, more and more water rushed in, flooding us. Sharp bits of glass were being forced down. Quickly I swam deep into the water, pulling this person with me. Both of us, were raised from how fast the water level was rising. I was now reaching the ceiling of the place, I was going to get crushed.

Caution-Wet Floor (Wattpadprize14)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum