Chapter Two

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    The commander made his way down the hallway, the clack of his boots against the marble floor echoing through the near-empty halls as he continued forward. He did not even spare the creatures that the king liked to call servants a single glance as he passed them, instead focusing his gaze on the large set of doors. As he approached, the two guards posted on either side of the door took note of him and gave a salute.

    “Commander,” they greeted in unison, stepping away from the door to give him entry. He bowed his head slightly to each of the guards as a silent thanks before stepping through the doorway.

    He continued halfway through the room before dropping to his knees, head lowered in respect for the aged man in front of him. “King Verus,” he started, “you requested my presence?”

    “Evander,” the king spoke, causing the commander to lift his head to meet his tired gaze. “Stand, and drop the formalities, boy.”

    Evander did as requested and stood. “Very well, uncle,” he replied, earning a smile from Verus. Evander couldn’t help but return the gesture, glad that his uncle still had happiness inside of him, even with running the city in these times. “Why have you called me? I just got back, I should be resting.”

    Verus stood from his throne, making his way over to Evander with powerful steps. “I know, boy, and for that, I am deeply sorry.” He paused, searching the commander’s face for a few moments before continuing. “You need to stop being so serious all of the time. You rarely smile anymore.”

Evander’s brow furrowed, not being able to believe what the king was telling him. “Smile? You expect me to smile with all of the destruction outside of the city?”

    “A smile can help a person more than a frown,” Verus replied, though Evander still doubted his words. “It is a lesson that would serve you well to learn.”

    “People are dying, uncle. It would take more than a joke to save them.” The commander’s voice was hard, leaving little room for argument from Verus. Evander was stubborn when it came to this topic, he refused to smile and enjoy himself when people from every land were struggling to survive.

    The elder man sighed with a slight shake of his head. Obviously he wasn’t too pleased with Evander, but he wouldn’t push the subject forward. “You may be correct, and that is why I want your help.”

    The king has never been one to get straight to the point, especially with Evander. If the commander had it his way, he’d just come in, get his new mission, and be on his merry way. Simple as that, and none of these pleasantries about smiling.

    “What am I to do?” Evander asked after Verus paused.

    Verus looked at him—not with the analyzing gaze that he so often used, but actually at him. “It is not an order, but more of a request. Deny it if you wish,” he took another pause, waiting to see if Evander would speak up. When he was only met with silence, he continued. “I want you to find the cause of all of this. Head out into the sand, talk with whoever you must, do whatever you can to figure out who—or what—is behind the destruction.”

    “Isn’t that a little much?” Evander asked once Verus was finished. “Do you even know what you’re asking, uncle? This is a suicide mission.”

    “That is why this is a request, not an order,” Verus replied. “If you wish to deny it, I will allow it. I’ll pass the request to someone else.”

    “I think I’ll just save you the trouble.” There was a hint of amusement in Evander’s gaze as he said this, but he would never admit his excitement out loud. “I’ll accept this request. How many men will I have?”

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