Chapter 12 - Seeing You & Eating Food

Start from the beginning

With only two boys in the class, he being the only one present today, and sixteen girls I could understand how this was like a boy's wonderland

"Perv" I rolled my eyes and looked back at my cake

"Your cheesecake looks like it's been run over" he stated "multiple times" he added "then stomped on by a stampede of elephant and-"

"Yeah I get it" I laughed, this was a complete fail

"Here" Aaron picked up his cheesecake, came around his counter and replaced his with mine. His looked so much better than mine. The edges were perfectly smooth had been decorated with sauce and berries. I'd say it's good enough to sell

"You take mine and I'll see what I can do with your err- can I even call this thing edible?" He joked looking down at my cheesecake it horror

"I can't let you do that!" It was a nice gesture but it wasn't fair on him

"Nah it's fine, I'll work something out" he said going back to his desktop and placing my cheesecake on his stand

I smiled "Thank you"

"No probs" he smiled back then got to work on the cake in front of him. He was just too sweet.

"Bad news, Mrs Donovan isn't going to give us any longer, she thinks-" Talia paused and looked at bake on the cooker "how the hell did you do that?" Talia said astonished

"Aaron gave me his" I explained "I told him that I couldn't do that but he did anyway, he's just too sweet"

The astonishment on Talia's face dropped and was replaced by a frown and clenched jaw "This is Aaron's?"

"Yeah he really-"

"What the hell Aaron?" I had seen that Talia had turned around to face him

"What I was just help-" he started

"We don't need your help I--We were doing just fine without it"

"I was just fixing it"

"There you go always trying to fix things, why can't you just leave things be"

"Talia, Talia! It's fine it's just a cake" I said trying to cool her temper

She let a long sigh "Yeah whatever" she concluded but annoyance was still evident on her face

We continued prepare the cake in silence.

When the lesson ended and after we were all cleaned up Talia walked away with a goodbye.

Kinda rude


"Can I have..." I said looking at the wide range of food in my sight. I had no free periods today with meant I was stuck at school till 3:30pm. But I guess it was alright since after lunch I only had Spanish, Chemistry and P.E.. I eyeballed the spaghetti bolognese but my eyes soon drifted to the cheeseburgers. Unlike my old school the food here actually looked and tasted appetizing, Gourmet even. There were many perks to going to a private school. The lockers were bigger, the teachers actually knew what they were talking about and the students weren't actually as stuck up-

"Hurry up before I turn like 30" Some dude yelled from behind me

I rolled my eyes but also did acknowledge that I was delaying the queue. I quickly picked up a burger and placed it on my tray next to the sugar doughnut and orange soda.

Who loves orange soda? Cassie loves orange soda. Ahh how I missed Kenan and Kel

Carried my tray out of the line and looked around to see if I could find anyone I knew. I sighed when my eyes wouldn't lock on to anyone familiar. I couldn't just sit by myself that was just sad.

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