“I’m just going to nip to the ladies,” he nodded and I gave him a fake smile and ran to the ladies as fast as my legs would take me. I leant against the side, looking at myself in the mirror. I needed to relax, before Damo started questioning why I was acting strange. I stared at the window, actually debating to climb through it and run off. I giggled at the thought of myself trying to squeeze myself thorough that tiny window; I can’t imagine it being as easy as they make it look in the movies.

I sorted myself out and made my way out of the bathroom, when I ran straight into someone. Who. Yep you guessed it. Shay.  I froze on the spot.

“Hey beautiful, we will have to stop meeting like this, or maybe not, I kind of like it,” he said grinning.

“I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m here with my boyfriend” trust me I wish I wasn’t, or else I would have grabbed him and kissed his soft pink lips, in return for last night.

“I noticed, are they his parents?” I nodded “I see,” I was confused, what did he see, my face must have shown my confusion, and he answered the question I hadn’t even asked yet.

“I used to work with his father, not something I like to admit but I did,” still confused I asked,

“I don’t even know what his father does, he won’t tell me, why do you not like to admit you worked with him?”

“It wasn’t the best job I could of been doing, is to put it one way, while your with his son I think its best you don’t know what he does, probable safer for you,” he kissed my cheek and walked away leaving me with so many questions, which he probably wouldn’t answer anyway, question is, do I really want to no?

I made my way back to the table, with great reluctance I must say, and tried to join in with conversation, which was impossible when William kept on interrupting me every time I tried to say something. So I just sat back and listened whilst drinking my drink.

Two hours passed, without me being involved in any type of conversation, when finally I was spoken to,

“So Amberley, only one more year of school left, what are you planning on doing afterwards, are you planning to go to college?” Debbie asked politely, whilst William laughed and said something under his breath, which I didn’t quite here.

“Well I was hoping to go to New York University and study performance arts. I really love musical theatre, and well I was hoping to take up singing lessons again, and maybe study dance as well, I’m not too sure if you can study performance arts and dance together, but it’s something I’ll have to look into, but it’s something I’d really like to do,” I answered, I love drama and dance in school, and have always dreamt of being on stage, performing, putting on shows, dancing, singing everything.

I used to do singing lessons up until a year ago; until Damo said I should stop doing them, because I’m wasting my time and my mother’s money that she couldn’t really afford.

I noticed Shay walking over to our table to collect glasses; him and William glared at each other and then nodded. I think it was there way of saying hi.

“Why are you going to do singing lessons again, what’s the point, you can either sing or you can’t, and well you cant.” Damo said ever so nastily, I noticed Shay clench his fist. I looked at him and mouthed the word please.

“And what’s the point in going to do performance arts, your never going to be a big actress of anything, people like you don’t get anywhere,” William sniggered. What did he mean people like me? I looked a Shay in hopes he wouldn’t say anything, but I was too late,

“What do you mean people like her, if she has a dream then she can follow it, not everyone is like you and can make money using other people, leave the poor girl alone, she is ten times a better person then you will ever be, and as for you,” he looked straight at Damo, his face was so angry, but so was Damo’s I was scared at how this was going to turn out I went to stand up to calm the situation down but Damo stood up and slammed me back down, he stood toe to toe with Shay,

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