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"josh stop!" tyler giggles as his boyfriend tickles him.
"no way!" josh laughs and continues to press his fingertips lightly onto tyler's sides.
tyler squirms and laughs more, his eyes closed and his cheeks dusted pink.
"josh!" tyler laughs, trying to push away his hands for the hundredth time, once again having no luck.
josh chuckles at his giggling boyfriend beneath him, his eyes squinted as they clamp shut and his dimples seemingly permanently carved into his cheeks.

josh eventually stops and looks down at the smiling boy beneath him, who's trying to catch his breath.
the dark leather of the back seat of josh's car gives a shocking contrast to the boy's skin and leaves josh awestruck as he hovers above him.
"what are you starring at?" tyler giggles once again as he blushes under josh's gaze.
"i love you," josh smiles like a fool, looking into tyler's eyes.
tyler blushes even more, if possible, his face going completely red.
"i love you too."

they sit there, simply taking each other in, until josh notices pink from out of the window.
"i've got an idea," josh says, his gaze still burning a pink tint on to the younger's cheeks.
"hmm?" tyler hums in acknowledgment, his blush slightly fading as his breathing evens.
"lets go watch the sunset."


josh turns off the engine as they pull up to the view point. they're the only ones there, which is rare since the view point is so popular, especially on nights like this when the sun makes perfect shades of pink and orange.

the two sit in silence for a moment, just taking in the beauty of the sky.

"i wish i could be the sky," josh whispers, not turning his eyes from the darkening hues.
"if you were the sky, then i would have the prettiest boyfriend in all of the galaxy." tyler smiles turning to his boyfriend in the
driver's seat.
"what? you don't think i'm the prettiest already?" josh asks in mock offense, placing a hand over his heart.
"of course i do, but then no one could deny it," tyler states matter of factly, "there'd be no contest."
"well if i'm the sky then what are you?"
"i'm not sure," tyler says with a yawn, reaching up with one hand to play with the fluffy brown locks on top of his head. a lazy smile graces his features as he looks to the rapidly darkening sky.
the sunsets never seem to last long enough, and the beauty is gone all too soon.

the sun has fully set and the city lights of columbus make sure the stars are too hard to see, although a few are still visible.
tyler stares longingly at the stars and turns to josh.
"i think i would be the stars," tyler states with another yawn.
"i think that would be perfect," josh says lovingly, placing a small kiss on the boy's chapped lips.

the boys have school tomorrow, and as much as josh wants to spend all night with tyler, he knows he needs his rest.
"let's get you home sleepy head," josh says smiling at tyler before turning the car back on, the engine creating a large contrast to the once silent night.
"alright sky boy," tyler says, a tired smile on his face and a sleepy giggle on his lips.

within minutes of the drive home, tyler is asleep in the passenger seat.
josh glances over to him quickly with a smile on his face before turning his eyes back to the road.

josh can see headlights in the distance and turns down the brightness of his own so the other driver can see. he doesn't think much of it when the other car doesn't do the same.
the other car picks up speed coming around the corner and swerves into the opposite lane. the brightness of the speeding cars headlights temporarily blind josh as he does his best to get out of the way of the on coming car.
the speeding vehicle smashes into the driver side door and tyler, who is now awake, screams as the once intact car spins into the guard rail.

josh, with rapidly dropping eyelids and a large cut on the side of his head, looks to tyler in the passenger seat.
"j-josh, josh!" tyler yells, frantically trying to unbuckle his jammed seatbelt to get to his boyfriend.
"tyler?" josh asks quietly, struggling even more to keep his eyes open.
"josh baby, stay awake please josh," tyler says, crying now as he vigorously continues his attempt to unbuckle.
"help! help!" tyler cries, tears making their way down his flushed face, his eyes frantic as he calls out the window. finally tyler is able to undo the constraints of the seatbelt and he reaches over to josh. one hand comes to rest on his boyfriend's cheek as the other reaches for his phone that's stuck in between the passenger seat and the center consul.

tyler can hear the other car speed off, tires screeching and the smell of burnt rubber filling his nose.
josh's face is cold as his breathing becomes more rapid and his arms feel like they're to heavy. regardless, he lifts a shaky hand to tyler's face and the crying boy lets out a choked sob.
"josh!" tyler cries again, his tears falling onto josh's chest.
his fingers finally find the sleek feeling of his phone and he pulls it out of the small space quickly.
"just hold on baby, i'm getting help," tyler says shakily as he dials 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"
"h-help please! my boyfriend and i were in a car accident and he-he's going unconscious." tyler replys, his voice cracking.
"sir where are you located?"
"w-we were driving down hourglass coming down from the view point, please send help," tyler states, crying harder now. his shaky hand still resting on josh's cheek as he does his best to keep the boy awake.

"t-ty-ler?" josh slurs, the letters jumbled as they fall from his lips, his face growing pale.
"what is it baby? i'm here, i'm here," tyler says unable to hold in the sob that shakes his bones.
"i l-lov-e you," josh chokes out, a tear falling from his eye as he lifts his hand to tyler's face again.
"i love you too josh, my sky boy," tyler cries, placing his hand on top of josh's. tyler leans in to kiss josh, their tears mixing between them. tyler pulls away when he hears sirens in the near distance.
"help is almost here josh, just hold on, they're almost here," tyler chokes out, kissing him again.
"your e-eyes," josh stumbles over his words, "i see s-s-stars in y-your ey-es," he says.
his eyelids are even heavier now and the sirens even closer.
tyler chokes out a sob, "and i see the sky in you j-josh," he says, kissing him again as the ambulance pulls up next to the car.
tyler's door is pulled open and he's ripped from the car.
"no! josh! josh!" he yells, more tears falling off of his cheeks.
tyler is sobbing as paramedics frantically pull josh from the wrecked vehicle and place him on a stretcher.

the man holding tyler gently pulls him to an ambulance and tyler stumbles as he walks. he can feel every crack in the sidewalk through his shaky legs and his head throbs with worry.
tyler places a hand to the back of his head, running a hand through his hair, but stops once he feels something wet. he pulls back his hand, and although it's hard to see in the dark, there's no mistaking the sight of blood covering his fingers.
tyler's ears ring and he winces, placing his now bloody hand back to his head in an attempt to ease the pain.
he can feel himself become more unsteady as the ringing turns into a sound of static. his legs feel heavy as he drags them along with him to the ambulance. it feels like he's been walking for hours but it's only been a few steps.
tyler stumbles again, and finds it more difficult this time to get his footing back.
before he even takes his next step tyler can feel that he can't go much further.
just as his knees buckle, the stranger catches him.
"get me a gurney!" he yells as tyler's vision goes spotty, black figures dancing in front of his eyes, their hands beckoning him forward into the darkness. he releases a breath he didn't know he was holding and rapidly tries to refill his lungs.
the air is cold and it burns slightly but it reminds him he's alive.
tyler looks up to see the sky, pitch black and spattered with small stars before they disappear and all he's left with is black.

SKY BOY ; JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now