Chapter 2

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Camille: It's gonna be sick. Can't wait!

She finished the convo there but I wasn't too sure it was gonna be as lit for me as she thinks it will.
I mean I'm not complaining, I'll get to meet some of the most famous Boys around, the pics could add some substance to my Instagram feed and my bff's paying for everything. At least she'll enjoy herself and it's not everyday that celebrities visit Manchester, I mean England's a very small place.


'Liv your gonna be late for school honey!' I heard my mum shouting from the kitchen downstairs,
Oh crap, I needed to be on time today cause I have to have enough time to talk to Camille properly in person.
I quickly leaped out of bed, causing me to get dizzy and tumble into the files on my desk. I put on my disgusting uniform, rolling up the skirt to my desired length and walked down the stairs before rolling my skirt back down so my mum didn't see. My mum is such a bæ she'd already made me my breakfast and got all my work organised for me to put into my bag. I love my family.
'Come on, if you want a lift to school, you're going to have to eat that in the car,' these words weren't uncommon as this situation happens around 2 to 4 times a week. Lol.
I walked into school and tried to find my way over to Camille. I knew she would either be in the classroom talking with a large group of people or alone in a corner stalking Aaron carpenter somewhere.
It surprised me when I saw her beside my locker with her back up against the locker beside mine and her head in her phone. 'I wonder how long she's been waiting there for,' I thought to myself, so I decided to creep up on her to scare her, but just before I could
'I know you're there' she said with the most bland tone, 'I'm not blind,' she replied with a hint of sass.
I laughed at how she managed to be so aware of her surrounding without her eyes leaving her screen once.
'OMG' she said, pressing onto my shoulders, causing my ankles to buckle.
'I can't believe that, in two weeks, we're gonna be face to face with Cameron. Freaking. DALLAS!' She said almost shouting. I heard a little mumble come from behind the lockers 'Cameron Dallas?!' The girl said, who ever it was, I'm surprised she doesn't know because Camille spread the word around the school pretty quickly.
It's quite clear that I'm not as excited as she is and I'm not sure if ever will be but who knows how quickly a girl who has never been in the same room as a boy other than her cousins and brother before, can fall in love.
Are the chapters getting too slow, do I need to speed up the pace so she meets the twins quicker or make it gradual so it's more realistic? Let me know in the comments

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