Do you need a tish?

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'That was amazing!' Camille and Ashley said in unison at me, I smiled and laughed in agreement.
Not bad boys, not bad. I mean I don't think I'm gonna be obsessing over Jacob sartorius any time soon but the show was a lot better than I thought it would be.
I got to know Ashley a lot more and she is really nice, but she was quite possessive over cam during the show, I felt a bit like a third wheel but as long as Camille enjoyed it that's all that matters.
'It's after party time girls!' Ashley sang as we headed to the room with all the boys in.
'Wait guys I need the toilet so you go ahead and I'll find you in a bit, K?' I said whilst walking back into the arena to the nearest toilet sign.
Once I'd finished I tried to head back to where the party was at but couldn't quite remember which way I came in, (anyone that's been to the MEN arena will understand how confusing that place is)
I tried calling cam but she declined, the little bitch, probably snap chatting with Cameron Dallas or something. I'm joking I love my best friend .
I even tried ringing Ashley, she didn't answer either.
Well looks like I'm gonna be wondering around this place for at least half an hour, I thought to myself.

My eyes caught sight of a door that looked pretty similar to the one leading to the party so I pushed it open thinking it could be a second entrance,
'woah' I heard a deep voice say as the the door stopped swinging and bounced off of them.
'Omg im so sorry,' I said, peering my head around the side of the door.
There was  a guy on the floor, with his legs crossed, packing his bag, I think I accidentally knocked over what ever he was packing.
'I'm so sorry, do you need me to help or...?'
'Nah, don't even worry about it,' he said not even looking up at me, but he had an American accent which I wasn't expecting.
'Are you sure, because I don't want to go home feeling guilty that I messed up your perfectly organised t-shirt pile,'
I said with a little laugh whilst looking for a response. I caught sight of his eyes taking a quick glimpse at me, checking I wasn't some sort of crazy woman, and he stood up from were he was sat. He looked down at me with a confused look on his face but I wasn't quite sure why. He seemed to shake it off pretty quickly and snapped out of his thought process.
'Honestly it's fine, don't worry about it, but Um, do you need help, are you lost?' He asked, I wasn't sure how a teenage American boy could possibly help me find my way back to the party, but if he's a gay fanboy of magcon then I'd love to have a gay bestfriend. 😏
'Omg, yes pleas if you don't mind, I'm trying to get back to the party because I got lost on my way back from the bathroom, umm, do you work here?' I asked really hoping he would say no In
a really feminine way that hints that he's gay 😂.
'Uh no I don't actually,' he laughed, with the widest smile I've seen (and cutest).
'But I can take you back to the party, come on it's this way,'
I followed him through the hidden doors at the arena, wondering how he knew his way around. He dropped me off at a door that did not look like the entrance cam and Ashley had gone through.
'Are you sure it's through here?' I questioned worryingly
'I'm sure, why, Do you you not trust me?'
'Well I'm not sure I can say I do, we only just met and I'm not meant to be talking to strangers anyway,' I said with a bit of sass.
He pushed open the door with his arm and turned to me to give me a satisfied smirk.
'Whatever smart arse' I replied to him pushing him aside so I could rejoin my friends.
'Smart ass?!' He looked at me, pulling his head right towards his chin with an expression of wtf, and he chuckled with his laugh that was loud enough to knock down a cow, ( don't ask)
'You Britts are adorable! Smart ass, I'm gonna bring that one back to america' he said whilst trying to hold in his laugh by puffing up his cheeks.
'Oh shut up you mong'
'Sorry, did I offend you by giving you a compliment,' he said touching his chest sassily
'do you need a tish?' He asked looking at my pouting face with his wide smile and gleaming eyes, still laughing historically at me.
Did he literally just say tish?
'Did you just say tish?' I questioned a bit taken back, thinking I miss heard
'Oh yeah,' he said rubbing the back of his neck stopping his laughter. I saw his jaw clench slightly before he let out an awkward smile.
'It's something my family say, you know, tish, nap, pape towel.' He said showing his really goofy side, I laughed out loud at what he just said,
'I should stop, I sound like such a mong,' he said trying to make me laugh even more,
'Nice,' I sang whilst nodding my head, ' you actually used it in the right context, and I wasn't laughing at you for being a goof, I was laughing at you because you're the first person I've met that says tish too' I said laughing even harder,
'Too!?' He said, his voice booming whilst he let out the biggest and cutest laugh,' OH my god! That's hilarious!'

Wow. Why do English boys not have a personality like his and look this good? But I quickly snapped myself out of my thoughts and calmed myself down from my laughing fit because my face started to turn red and so did his.
I really don't know what to say right now, do I ask for his name, I've just met him but I really want to stay and talk and not go back to the party, or do I just leave and hope I accidentally hit him with a door again? Uhh why did I decide to go to a private school because now I don't know how to talk to boys!
My mind still trailed to how to break the silence.
'No but i hate saying mong cause I really don't like my accent, I love the American accent tho, it's so soothing,' I blurted out, that was the first thing that came to mind, did I do well? Uh I don't even know.
'No, why? My accent is so shit, you can't stand here and tell me that you would rather have my accent to yours?'he said leaning on the his side of the wall.
'Well,' I responded 'I'm gonna be hearing a lot more of the American accent in a few weeks so maybe that will change my mind,' I said giggling but a bit sad as it brought my mind back to the move.
'Wait so are you moving to the US?' He asked giving me a wide smile whilst raising his eyebrows at me.
'Yeah me and my family are actually moving to L.A. In a few days,' I said giving him a smile in return.
'No. freaking. Way.' He said whilst he placed his hands on my arms
'Ha, what?' I asked confused at his sudden burst of excitement'
'I live in L.A. Too, I've lived there with my twin brother for almost a year now!' Wait, there's two of him, thank the lord.
'Oh my god, now I feel lucky,' I said, but he looked at me and laughed with another wtf face and I realised how weird that probably sounded to him.
I felt my cheeks start to blush and and I quickly turned my head pretending to look around the arena.
'You don't need to hide it, we all do embarrassing things sometimes, I know I definitely do,' he joked.
'Well, but I should probably get back to the party, I don't want my friend to worry but I'll see you around um..?' I asked
'Grayson, Grayson Dolan, and yeah I'll see you in L.A. I bet,' he smiled whilst walking backwards and giving me a wink as he left me alone at the party entrance.
Omg did that really happen? Maybe L.A. Won't be too bad after all. Dolan? Grayson Dolan? Why is that so familiar?
I write this chapter and accidentally deleted it so I had to write it all over again! Annoying.

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