Original Edition - Chapter 63: Heirs

Start from the beginning

I nodded. "I know," I breathed out.

Lander hugged me next and kissed the top of my head. "You've got a good man Char, just keep his ass in line for us ok?"

I smiled a little into his chest and nodded. I nodded right as I felt him coming. I looked around to see Ethan walking with Billy down the field towards us, and it was like I was looking at a new wolf.

My breath hitched a bit. He wasn't just another strong male, he reeked like a damn alpha. From here I could feel him; feel his scent caress my skin and his blood hum it's way over to me like it was waves lapping at the shore. Other wolves stopped and stared only as long as they could before they had to avert their eyes.

I felt joy start to spur in my as my wolf howled out in relief. Even from here we could see it, see the change. I let out a long sigh of relief as Lander chuckled a bit. That is until Ethan stopped walking. He stopped walking and looked into the forest as Billy stiffened up next to him.

"Shit," Evan hissed.

"What?" I breathed out.

Ethan started to storm towards the rings like he was on a damn mission to kill someone. I looked over to see Levi already chasing after him and felt my belly drop. "Shit," I hissed. He better not have lost his shit and decided to challenge Thomas now.

"I got her Ev." Liam walked up to me and let Evan bolt from his place to the forest after Levi. "Sorry about this Char," Liam said before he knelt down and pulled me over his shoulder.

I hissed and looked up at Evangeline who was starting to run next to Lander and Claire. "What's happening?"

"Hopefully not what I think it is," Lander answered tensely.

Liam jogged as quickly and as carefully as he could with me, but it still hurt. It was a dull pain but compared to my thumping heart driven by my rapidly growing anxiety, it was nothing. Nothing because my beast whined out to her mate, prayed that he was alright and not in the middle of a fight that would not get us the vengeance we thirsted for.

We made it through the forest where the sounds of angry growls could be heard over a growing crowd. Liam pushed his way through the people, which was more than awkward for me since I could barely see where the hell I was going. He set me down as carefully as he could before snarling at some of the other warriors to get out of our way.

"What's happening?!" I asked over the growing murmurs to a warrior looking out into a ring.

"Ethan's about to beat the shit out of Arron, it's about time too," he answered happily as another wolf next to him growled in agreement.

I felt my heart beat a little fast as Liam tugged me forward. There was another growl followed by a, "You're nothing but a damn pussy shit beta," spat out by a voice that I recognized as Arron's.

I felt my blood boil. A growl tore through my lips as Liam continued to tug me through the crowd. "How did this happen?!"

Another warrior leaned down little to me while he kept his eyes on the ring. "Arron started spatting off about Ethan's mate. Called her 'scratching post' and was just spewing shit at him. Ridiculous, that girl saved his damn sister yesterday."

"Yes she did," I hissed out. The warrior looked down at me and his eyes widened in realization about who he was talking to.

"Boy, either shut your mouth or I will let him shut it for you," Levi growled out.

"Whatever, I don't take orders from a washed out alpha who hid away with a vampire for ten damn years."

I snarled loudly as my beast pressed forward; the sound met more snarls including a vicious one from Ethan's lips. The crowd moved quickly out of our way, in time for Liam to tug me next to Evangeline who had a murderous expression on her face.

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