I'm just an itsy bitsy nameless creature

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I finally reached my locker and opened it, just to have it slammed back shut by a foreign hand.

What the hell????

I turned around and found that the hand belonged to my best friend, Nora Benson.

"What's up buttercup?" She asked me cheerfully. What's with people being so cheerful today!? Wait... Did she call me buttercup?

"Did you call me buttercup?" I asked.

"You bet I did." She winked. Okay so one thing about Nora... She tries to pick the worst names for me. And trust me when I say I hate each and everyone of them.

"Anyways... Sam talked to me today. When I was coming here." I told her.

"Whhhaaatttt!!!! How dare he!? After all he did. Bring that bastard in front of me and I swear I'm gonna chop him into pieces and feed them to my rats. And when they poop him out I'm going to feed it to the pigs!!!!" I rolled my eyes. Did I tell you how hyper and dramatic Nora was? Guess I didn't.

"Calm down Nora. He just wanted to talk." I told her in a calm tone.

"Oh right. So how did it go?" I was about to answer when the bell went off.

"I'll tell you later." And then off we were to our class.


The rest of the day until lunch went pretty uneventful. Or should I say boring. I was practically counting every single second passing and it was way more interesting thing to do than listen to our history teacher, Mr Bernard. He was a short heighted and a fat person who had the ability to make anything boring. Anything. Anyways I practically ran out of the class as soon as the bell rang. And just when I reached my locker I saw the janitor's closet opening. And guess who came out of it? It was the biggest player of our school and the bad boy, Xavier Tynan. And as if that wasn't enough to draw attention, he was also shirtless. I was just wondering what was happening when a girl too popped out. Ooh! She was the same girl I met this morning, Marisa I guess. Anyways I saw the redhead walking towards Xavier to which he just completely ignored. However when she finally drew his attention, he said the words the entire school had been expecting him to say ever since he came out of the janitor's room.

"Sorry baby but we're over. Good luck." I mouthed along with him. The line was practically imprinted in my mind. It was line he used every single time he dumped a girl. And then off he went with his friends. Great! Now I'll have to listen to this gossip that will take place for a week in the least I'm sure. Yay life!! Note the sarcasm please.

Anyways so as expected when I reached cafeteria to our table I saw Nora looking at me with glint in her eyes. And you know what that means? It means she has some huge gossip in store. Hmmm... I wonder what it is?

Dun dun dun!!! You guessed it right, its the one and only our gossip provider Xavier Tynan!!! Yay life again!!

"Okay so did you see how Xavier dumped Melissa???? The poor girl was so embarrassed. She said he even told her he liked her and that's why she let him do the deed. Poor girl!" Nora finally ended. And trust me after all my experiences I've learnt to let her do the talking and after she's exhausted we change the topic. There's no other way.

"I think girls should have known by now that Xavier doesn't do liking and loving. He's established that already." I gave her my personal opinion.

"I just hate the guy." Nora said dramatically.

"Same buddy. Same." I patted her. "Anyways I just wish I get a guy as loving as Augustus Waters and as beautiful as Jacob from twilight." I sighed dreamily. This time it was Nora who rolled her eyes.

"You and your stupid novels. I still don't understand your love with Jacob. I totally roll with team Edward." Pfft!

"As if I'd want a guy who sparkles everytime I ask him to sunbathe with me. And should I remind you how crazily pale he is? Such a turn off!" I scoffed. But I regretted my words as soon as I saw the look on Nora's face. It was that you-did-not-just-go-there look. Oops! I knew I had to run for my life as soon as I saw Nora getting up and starting towards me. Angry Nora is something you'd never want to deal with. Shit! As if on cue I took off from the cafeteria, with Nora hot on my heels. I saw her almost catching me when I took a sharp turn towards the right. However I did not stop right there, after almost five minutes of maze running I was finally satisfied that I had lost her. And just when I thought that I bumped I to someone and came crashing to the floor.

What that hell?

"Listen you mi- oh shit." I was about to give the person a long speech but stopped just when I saw who it was. The one and only Xavier Tynan. He was looking at me with his eyes narrowed but I saw him relaxing as soon as he saw me. Yeah I think he saw how harmless and pathetic little person I was. Huh men!

"Oh hey." I said nervously.

"Who are you?" He asked me curiously. Did I tell you he street fights and beats the opponents bloody? Guess not. So you must have guessed that giving him my real name wasn't a very good idea. I guess I had spaced out because I saw Xavier waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped back and laughed nervously again.

"Hehe, you see when I was born my mom had a memory loss problem so she forgot to give me a name. Plus my dad also had amnesia so he too didn't know me. So I'm just a little itsy bitsy nameless creature. Can you imagine people having no name. How hard it was have been for them. It's like shark having no name so its just called a fish and same for the people so when they have no name they'd be called just humans. Its really pathetic don't you think?" I rambled. Yeah I had the tendency to do that in critical situations and this my people was a huge critical situation. Xavier gave me a weird look and shook his head. And just when I was about to run again I heard Nora screaming my name, across the hallway. Thank goodness Xavier had me blocked from her view or I'm sure I'd have been a dead meat. I mean everyone knows not to insult Edward in front of her. I quickly hid behind Xavier, clutching his jacket tightly.

"Please tell her to go away." I pleaded to Xavier in a hushed tone. He looked at me once and then turned his head towards Nora.

"Lost your cat or something babe?" He asked Nora. I saw Nora scurrying away from Xavier from the small gap between his arms and his back. After she was gone I felt Xavier's hand tugging me away from his back and bringing me into his view.

"From what I heard from her, she was calling you Hazel? Were you lying to me about having no name?" He asked with his eyebrows raised. I gulped.

"Did you know that the oldest condoms ever found were in 1640s and were made of animal and fish intestines?" What the hell am I saying?

"Huh?" He asked me with confusion. I better go before I embarrass myself even further. What's wrong with me.

"I gotta go. See you never? Babye!!!" I said and with without waiting I began running.

"I'll make sure to see you around Hazel!!!" I heard him shout behind me.

Wait... Did he say he'll see me around?

Holy cheeseballs!!!


Okay so I know I promised you guys to update this earlier but I couldn't and I'm sooo sorry. Let's just call up some peace and enjoy.

I'll be waiting for you best comments. Don't forget. Love you all!!!

Dancing In The Storm (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora