"Minah, how can they look so handsome while playing?" Yoojin says in a cute intonation. I look at her, she seems to focus on them as I chuckle.

"I know," I reply quietly. Especially Taeyong, I continue the words but not I didn't say it. I gotta admit that I adore him. I adore Taeyong.

"You seem to enjoy the view so much, huh.." Yoojin says as she smirks. Crap, did she see me smiling like an idiot? Well I guess she did.

"Uhm, I think so. Cmon, let's go. 30 minutes wasted." I say while standing up, sweeping the dirt on my butt. Wasted my arse. I get to see Taeyong's charisma while he's playing basketball. That's a blessing.

"Wasted for something good~" Yoojin sings like she is a small child. She's so extra.

Whatever. Yoojin is right.


It's Saturday morning. I grab my phone beside me and start to scroll down my Instagram feed. After a while, I take a shower, relaxing under the warm water.

Yoojin is still asleep. I sit on the corner of her bed and tap her shoulder slightly. "Yoojin-ah." She groans and pulls the blanket over her head.

"I'm going to the library for a while."


I get up and open the door. "Don't miss me." I chuckle quietly as she grumbles.

As I reach the huge ass library, I pick up a science-related book. I choose to sit in a place which has less people because surrounded by people makes me anxious. People are mysterious. They have so many things in mind that you can't predict them.

I open the book and read what's in it. It's interesting. Anatomy, biodiversity, biochemistry, this book has it all.

"So focus, huh." I hear a voice when someone puts a book in front of me and pulls out the chair, and sits down. It's Jaehyun.

"Uh, yeah. Er, maybe." Gosh I don't know what to respond. This is awkward.

He smiles sweetly at me. His smile is adorable.

"Alone?" He looks around.

"Yeah. By the way, I saw you playing basketball. So who is the winner?" I am so curious about the winner. Could it be Taeyong? Aishh, stop thinking of Taeyong, Minah!

"My opponent team. Taeyong's team. Well he was so happy. He has always wanted to beat me." He chuckles.

"Both of you are great players. Actually, all of the players."

"Haha, thanks. Anyway, the dance competition is in a week, right? Are you ready?" He asks.

"I think so. I still need a lot of practice. You dance really well, Jae." He blushes at my compliment. I just smile.

"No, I'm not. Taeyong is." My smile slowly fades away.

"Hey, Jae. Can I ask you something about Taeyong?"

"Hit me up."

"Why are some people calling him 'Prince No Smile'? I mean, I also have never seen him smiling, but, is there something wrong with him?" I try to not to sound very busybody.

Jaehyun seems hesitate to answer me. Damn, what if he tells Taeyong later? What if he hates me because I seem to be busybody? What will he think of me? Stupid Minah. I shouldn't have asked him that. Stupid. Stupid.

"No, no! You don't have to answer me if it's very confidential." I grin like a cute idiot.

"It's okay. Well, Taeyong once had a girlfriend. It was a long time ago. He loved her so much. That girl was just like his life. He couldn't live without her." He pauses as I keep my focus on him.

"But, one day, she went to see Taeyong, only to say that she wanted to break up. She met a new guy. He thought she was only be with him because of money and looks. She was his life, and she left him. You know how hurtful that was to him, right?" I nod.

This is sad. Taeyong must've been hurt so much back then.

"Ever since that happened, he didn't want to fall in love ever again. And he doesn't like girls, because he thinks every girls are the same. Only looks and money that matter."

So that's why he has been ignoring those girls after all this time? I think Taeyong is right. Those girls only chase him because he is handsome, and rich.

"So that's why he doesn't smile?"

"Yeah. He doesn't want to 'be' happy, because he thinks happiness will only bring to sorrow, sooner or later. He thinks, there's no use of being happy when at the end of the day, you will get hurt."

I nod, understanding every word he says.

That girl is so stupid for letting go a guy like Taeyong. I know Taeyong can love a girl eternally and unconditionally. I know he does. His face resembles it all. If his past causes him to be like this now, then Taeyong must has lived unhappily. I want him to be happy. I want him to smile again and be friendly. I want to make him smile. I want to be the one who can make him smiles brightly and be happy again.


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I'm so sorry for not updating. I'm so busy with school stuff, studies and all. I have big exam in 2 weeks. I want scholarship so I need to do well in my exam!! I don't know if this story is interesting lmao but I'm just gonna keep writing till it ends. Thank you for reading anyway :)

p/s: Minah's pic up there! That's how I imagine Minah going to the library. She's so cute!!

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