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Racing into the small clearing, you sucked in short gasps of black smoke. The blinding light of the fire surrounded you, crawling ever closer. The trees seemed to grow molten faces, screaming in pain as the heat devoured them. The smoke rose to block out the light of the stars, swirling around you, almost dragging you towards the forest fire. Among the roar of the hungry blaze, another sound reached your ears, sending chills under your skin. A deep bellowing roar, followed by a sickening scream. Off to your right you noticed a young man stumble through the burning brush, covered in injuries.

He clutched his side with a pale sweaty hand, and limped towards her, crying for mercy, "___, you must help us! We need you! I need you!" He fell on his knees as he pled. His eyes wide with fear.

You hardly recognized his bloody features, "Link?!"

He clutched at your sleeve, his face stained with soot, "Please! You can't let the beast devour us!" The same deep bellow echoed through the burning trees, followed by the crashing of timber. Link clawed at you, "There's no time! Help me, please!" He let out a sudden cry of pain and fell to the ground, shriveling into a ball.

You dropped to your knees as the roar of the fire mixed with the sound of cracking branches. You removed Link's cold, limp hand from his side, finding the source of the bleeding. You tore off your vest and wrapped it around his shivering form, trying stay calm, "Stay with me Link, come on! What is out there?!"

"You can't do anything for him..." A voice echoed behind you.

Whirling around your eyes grew wide at the sight of a tall white figure emerging from the smoke, "Ghirahim!" You half-shrieked at the sight of the demon lord. Unlike your last adventure, his eyes held nothing, not even anger. Just black pits sucking you in. He stared at you like a zombie hungry for your flesh, "I gave you so many chances... Now look what you did to me!" He gestured to the bloody cavern in his chest where his heart used to be.

The noise was almost unbearable, and you could hardly hear Link's last breath, "The twilight... Is coming... Don't ever loose sight of your shadow..."

Ghirahim bean to yell at you in competition with the fire, "The demon king is returning, and I will haunt you for the rest of your life! I will become your shadow!" The heat grew in magnitude, the smoke became a dense blackness, and the roar of the voices was unbearable. Sweat trailed down your face, soaking your clothes as your heart thumped loudly in your head.

"Your shadow..." The words rang in your ears.

You jumped when you saw Link disintegrate beneath you, leaving your vest in the ashes.

The last two words still rang in your ears as you stood in fright. Over the roar of the fire, the deep bellowing returned. The sound of a heavy object travelled closer, even the ground shook with fear. Your breath came in hasty gasps as you spotted a dark form among the waves of heat. It turned it's head, noticing you with fiery eyes and bellowed with it's head to the soot filled sky. In terror you couldn't tear your eyes away, and finally recognized it's face. It was you! Just a wild figure of smoke...Elongated and dark and connected to your feet. It was your shadow.

A voice echoed around, familiar and horrifying, "Those like you... those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero... They are eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!"

You tried to scream, but it felt like something was caught in you throat as your shadow charged you through the brush. Turning on your heels, you tried to run, but the smoldering root of a tree caught hold of your foot. Bracing yourself for the hard fall, you squinted your eyes shut, only to feel your body go limp.

Waking with beat of your heart, you jolted upright still feeling the heat of the fire. Your eyes darted around your bedroom for a few moments before you realized where you were. Leaning back against your pillows, you breathed deeply, trying to get your heart rate back to normal. A knock came at your door and you jumped, "___, you ok?" Link opened the door to your room.

You couldn't answer, Demise's words echoed in your thoughts, paralyzing you. Link raced over to you and lit a candle next to the bed, putting a hand on your shoulder, "___, what is it? I heard you scream."

The reality of the dream finally caught up to you and you started shaking, tears welling up in your sight, "It's Ghirahim and Demise... They spoke to me...And you were..." You couldn't bring yourself to remember Link's pale figure.

Link crawled next to you, caressing you in his bare arms, "Shh... It's ok, I'm here." The warmth from his skin melted into yours, relaxing you. Just feeling him near you was enough to calm your spirit, kissing your forehead and stroking your silken hair.

You remembered how you felt after you defeated Demise. It was as if the weight of the world was lifted from your shoulders, with Link at your side you were finally able to be together without the threat of death hanging over you. But now it was like his threat haunted you in your sleep, filled with darkness and shadows. You closed your eyes and tried to relax in Link's arms. Suddenly a flash of fire and the echoing laugh of the demon lord burst into your thoughts. Your heart jumped into your throat and you snapped your eyes open, letting your tears spill in sobs.

It was all too much! Where had you went wrong!? You clung to Link who sensed your pain, just holding you tighter until your sobs lightened. He wiped the tears from your cheeks, and planted a soft warm kiss onto your lips sending the life back into your heart. Something struck you deep in your heart. A strange heat spread from your very core into your limbs. Right now, more than ever, you needed Link's comfort. His touch.

Trying to feed the fire in your ribcage, you licked your lips and grazed them across his shoulder. You could feel his heart beat faster as you traveled across his chest, which started to rise and fall more fervently. He gently caressed your chin and tilted it up to secure his lips on yours. It felt perfect in the way your faces were meant to interlock in a kiss, to share the same soul in sensual rhythm. His passion took over in moments as he entangled his fingers in your hair to deepen the kiss.

You caught movement out of the corner of your eye. Just a dark shape thrown onto the wall by the flame, but it didn't move with the others. It had a life of its own. With a snap of its fingers it vanished sending chills down your spine. Somehow you felt like this adventure wasn't over, but there was no way you would abandon this moment with Link!

Want The Sequel? Check out Twilight Entrapment:

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