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Dearest readers,

We're back with a new book! So, as some of you know, we've been working on the Void Chronicles for the last few months -- almost the last year at this point. Recently, we decided to go back and edit those works that we had previously published, and decided that these stories deserve more attention than we've been giving them. It all started off with Sin and Andreas, and they still have their own set of books which are the original Void Chronicles. This book, however, is the first of Feng and Sky's story. Since there is so much going on with all these characters, and so much ground to cover, we decided to split the books into separate entities instead of just telling all the characters' stories together in the same book. 

Ravaged takes place during the events of Darkfrost, book 3 of Sindreas' story. Many events will overlap with that book, the instances the characters are all together for example. You do not have to read Sindreas' story to understand Fye's at all, or vice versa. These books are companion series set during the same time period, and in order to get a full view of the events unfolding, it's encouraged to read all of them. But if you have a preference for a certain couple, feel free to stick with them. 

Eon Ice ( Literacy101) and I (Michillie) are having so much fun writing these stories and exploring our characters in different ways. Be sure to check out our individual canons if you like these! For more of Sin or Feng, check out Kingdom Come on Eon's page, and for more of Andreas and Sky, check out A Necessary Evil on my page. 

We are planning on writing more books set in this Universe. Sindreas' story is still continuing. Fye's story is far from over. Not to mention that is still Desmine/Leiden to be fully explored, as well as more Descal. The list of couples that we will still write is a long one. We are just enjoying placing our characters in weird and interesting circumstances, so be sure to check them out if you are interested!

Updates for Ravaged will be twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A trigger warning is issued for sensitive readers as this story deal with a lot of mature subject matter, including, but not limited to sexual assault and torture. This story is for mature readers, so don't say you weren't warned. 

All that said, we hope you enjoy reading this story as much as we did writing it! 

-- Micaela Swart 

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