She found herself looking into Shane’s brown eyes, and a lazy smile crossed swollen lips as she said huskily,“Mmm, that was nice.”

                He grunted, his face only inches away. “I’ll show you nice.” Rocking his hips forward slightly, Emily became aware of just how “nice” Shane found her, blushing as he smirked knowingly, levering himself away and grabbing her hand.

                “I’ve been called many things, Emily Wakeland, but nice is not one of them. That’s what you call a potted plant as a gift. I hope tonight I make a better impression than that!” Quarter turning away from Emily without losing her hand, Shane clicked his key fob and the Jag’s top unfurled, closing quietly as they walked toward the restaurant, Javier’s, its patio lit up by smoking Tiki torches and the amber glow of the setting sun.

                The restaurant was filled to capacity, with people hanging about waiting for their names to be called, listening to the Mariachi music wafting from the attached cantina. Shane’s reservation assured them of only a ten minute wait, and soon they were led to the patio, near a heat lamp and the glass partitions which allowed a view of the beach but restrained the wind.  The hostess pulled out Emily’s chair, and she sat with a sigh, facing the sunset on the waves, a straight shot to the beach bisected only by PCH.

              Within minutes a perky waitress appeared tableside, ready to take their drink order. Answering Shane’s raised eyebrow, Emily requested a margarita. Not being much of a drinker himself, Shane opted for a beer. Alone once more, Shane sat back in his chair, slim-wristed hands resting on the chair arms as he drank in his date’s appearance, liking everything about her. He wanted to be in complete control tonight, and one beer afforded him that ability. Once it arrived, he tipped it toward Emily in salute, holding it to his lips for that first, cold sip. She likewise tasted her margarita, sighing.

                “It has been so long since I’ve been wined and dined. Thank you, Shane, for the start of a wonderful evening. A beautiful car, gorgeous scenery, and a heavenly margarita! What more could a girl want?” She grinned effortlessly over her drink, truly happy.

                What about hot sex on cold, satin sheets, fingertips slipping over sweat-slicked skin, mouths open, tasting, touching—

                “Shane? Are you feeling okay?”

                Shane blinked away his writer’s imagination, gulping his beer a bit faster than intended.

                “I’m feeling great, Emily, just great. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. But the night is young, and I’ve got lots more planned. What?” Her look changed to cautious, and he grinned again. Hell, yeah, she’d better look out. The only thing better than a Shane McNeal novel seduction scene was his real life seduction scenes! He knew he was good; all his conquests might have been disappointed their relationships didn’t last, but they never complained about his performance.

                “Just curious.” She eyed him like a skittish colt, and he swallowed his wolfish grin. This was Emily, not some bimbo he’d picked out for the night. She required slow and steady, and Shane could deliver that. He knew she was worth it. He was a little afraid of the strength of his desire for Emily. Usually it was the thrill of the hunt that kept him interested; once the conquest was complete, Shane moved on. He wasn’t sure he wanted to this time, or even that he could. Before he could explore his feelings more in depth, the waitress returned, taking their dinner order, leaving them to their conversation and the waning sun.

                “So, Mr. McNeal, I’ve told you the story of my life; what’s yours?” Emily’s eyes honed in on Shane’s, and he mentally gave her kudos for turning the tables and taking the conversational upper hand. Sitting back in his chair while cupping his beer bottle, Shane considered his life story.

Six and CountingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon