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At lunch he and I ate together. "So? Tell me about your divorce." He said.
"Y'know. Most of the time when people bring up the subject of my divorce they're much more empathetic." I shook my head.
"It's clear to me that it doesn't bother you, and I'd like to have a friend at work, not just a co-worker." he smiled at me. He has a beautiful smile.
"Okay. Alright.  My ex-wife Lisa and I have a son. His name is Adam. He's 3. When he was 2 we got a divorce. We have shared custody but he is mostly at my house since Lisa lives on the other side of town and has to travel a lot for work." I said. "But anyways. Lisa and I are still friends actually. We got off on a really good foot. She was the love of my life. But I could tell something about us wasn't right... from the very beginning." I said.
Castiel looked so interested in my story.  "Did she cheat on you?" He asked, then gasped. "Did you cheat on her?" he asked then shook his head, "Did you both cheat??" He said.
"Let me finish." I laughed.
He nodded and 'zipped' his mouth shut.
"Anyways, from the beginning, something was off. But I couldn't quite put my finger on it." I took a sip of my coffee. "Then I started distancing myself from her, to focus more on our child. He was learning to walk and talk and everything." I smiled. "Lisa and I had nothing to talk about anymore and I think he's the only reason I stayed with her as long as I did." I said. "Now comes the interesting part." I chuckled.
He grinned and sat up, listening attentively.
"One night. I told her I had lots of things to correct and that I would be at work late." I took another sip of coffee. "That wasn't true." I said.
He gasped.
"okay seriously you're far too excited about this. It's not reality tv. It's my life." I chuckled.
He shrugged and urged me to go on.
"Alright! So I followed my gut and just drove to where I felt was right." I bit my lip. Not many people at work know I'm gay. But maybe if he knows...
"To where?" he asked.
"A bar." I said. "But not any bar. No. It was a gay bar." I bit my lip.
"You're gay?" He said, jaw-dropping.
I nodded. "But I didn't know that until that night. I just knew something was off with me." I shrugged.
"Okay, then what happened?" He asked.
"I got home after being at the bar for a while. I realized that men are a hell of a lot more attractive than women. I waited a bit to tell Lisa. I wasn't fully sure and she was still unaware our marriage was crumbling." I said. "So after a few weeks of lying to her about work and actually going to gay bars. I came out to her, and told
her about my at-the-time boyfriend. And she was supportive. She told me she knew I wasn't as invested in our relationship as her, from the beginning. She told me she loved me anyways and wants me to be happy. She's actually the one that signed us for divorce" I said, nodding.
"Wow that's so nice of her." He nodded.
"Yeah. She's great. I love her. just not the way I was supposed to if I was gonna be married to her." I chuckled.
"So what now then? Adam has, mom, and her boyfriend, you and...?" He bit his lip. That's hot.
I shook my head. "Just me at home. I don't have a boyfriend or anything." I smiled.
He nodded. He looked like he was gonna say something then thought twice about it and didn't.
"what about you?" I asked.
"Me? What? me about? A-about me?" he got flustered.
"anybody special in your life?" I asked.
"Nope. I'm a single Pringle." He chuckled.
I just nodded. I finished my lunch. "Well, we've got classes to teach." I grinned.
He nodded, standing up. "I really enjoyed eating lunch with you, Dean." He smiled at me.
"I liked having lunch with you too, Castiel." I chuckled. "I actually don't have a class right now, so if you need my help with anything, don't be afraid to say something, I'm quite the handy man." I said. "Not..don't take that in the dirty way." I said, chuckling.
He shook his head. "I didn't." He said as we walked towards his classroom. "But I actually do have a question. I can't figure out how to hook my computer to the monitor to project it on the screen. Can you help?" He frowned.
i nodded. "No problemo"
"It's actually "problema" in Spanish. "Problemo" isn't a word." He said.
I nodded. "Alright, smarty pants."

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