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When I was young, my parents were killed by sharks. you see I'm what humans call a merman. Now not many know of me I live far away from others and I don't have any friends so the sea creatures are my only company. One day on my weekly search for food, I came across a very interesting mer well anyone would interest me. Oh I almost forgot to introduce myself. I am Percy. I don't have a last name. Anyways as I was saying I was very interested as to why this mer was so far away from Atlantis as most if any don't travel outside of it. So to say the least I was very curious. I decided to follow him since he looked lonely. I continued to follow him at a distance of twenty swims away. He went into the deeper ocean where no mer has ever gone. Well at least to my knowledge. I decided to head back to my home and gather some kelp for the week. So as I was heading back my dolphin friend iruka came up to me and said, " hey Percy I heard that Poseidon is looking for someone who can talk to the sea creatures."
"Wait what? Why?" I asked.
"Because apparently he has a son whose missing or something like that and can't find him." Iruka told me.
"Huh, that's weird. Why is he searching for his missing son now? Didn't he go missing years ago?" I replied interested.
"Ya but apparently he couldn't search for him because he had to deal with the other gods and some wars on the surface with the other gods."
He said.
Huh interesting I hope the wars didn't cause to much damage to the surface." I said worried for the people on land.
"From what I hear I had no human deaths but there were plenty demigod deaths and some damage to human homes and stores." Iruka told me.
"Huh that's good to know." I said relieved.
Meanwhile what the two didn't realize was that someone was following them. It was the person Percy was following before.
"Hey iruka do you want to help me find some kelp for the week?" I asked wanting company.
"Sure, I'll help you." He replied happily.
"Thanks" I said.
"No problem." He said.
Then the two swam of towards the center of the ocean floor where there was a kelp forest. Not to far away we see a pondering little titan very interested in our little Percy.

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