Book 1 - A new Start - Prologue

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 08 of August of 2060, on some place of Earth

My name is Richard Geary, today is my birthday, today I complete eighteen years of life and today i will reborn.

Near fourteen years have passed from the birth of the Virtual Reality and on ours days is something common on the live of everybody on our planet. About twenty four years ago the possibility of transferring our conscience to a virtual world and be virtually inmortal became a reality. Laws were made to prevent people young and healthy of abandoning their mortal bodies transferring theirs consciences to virtual universes, the exception being the one with terminal diseases or big physical disabilities that prevent them to have a fulfilling lives, other way, all healthy women's and men's need to wait until they meet eighty years of life before taking the step to immortality, until then everybody that wants to connect to a virtual universe need to make use of Virtual Pods that private his user from all external sensorial data to the body and make a neuronal connection that send the data direct to the brain immersing the user to the virtual world of his choosing to a maximum of eight hours of immersion each day.

I have already paid and scheduled an appointment to go Virtual, having done it mane year ago, no because my "real" life was bad, like everybody I have experimented good and bad moments and in general I can't really complain about it, given certain circumstances today I don't have children's or grandchildren's, and the love of my life has already go to what I expect is a better afterlife experience, so I don't have attachments to this life and i'm craving for adventures.

For the people that go perma (another way to refer to all the people that have transferred to a virtual universe on permanent basis) the options on universes are extremely big and you can opt for options as differents like a Real World setting, Medieval era, Fantasy Univers, Sci-Fy Universe, etc, giving the Perma and not perma players a lot of options to experiment, so, without more preamble let's start this adventure!.

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