“This man knew you?” I stammered.

            “Yes, it shocked me too. It turned out that the man was Gandalf.”

            “Gandalf?” That name struck a very dull chord in my brain.

            “Yes. You know him, I’m sure. He always brings fireworks whenever he comes to the Shire.”

            “Oh, that Gandalf!”

            “Yes, him. Anyway, he continued on about this adventure nonsense and left. I think he did something to my door, because I heard something unusual going on outside. Of course, I tried to see what it was, but then he was suddenly looking into my window. I tell you, Lily, I had never been so confused and scared in all my life.”

            “Hmm, it seems random,” I mused. “Why would Gandalf come to you of all Hobbits and babble on about an adventure? If there’s anyone to talk about an adventure with, it’d be me.” I felt sort of jealous, hearing that Gandalf mentioned to Bilbo a chance of a lifetime.

            Maybe Gandalf remembered Bilbo’s rambunctious past with his yearn for adventure. Well, that was certainly not the Hobbit I was looking at right now. No, this Hobbit was tame and not who my best friend was anymore.

            “So now, I’m sort of paranoid, because I don’t know what that was all about.” Bilbo shrugged.

            “Well, I see no reason for you to worry. Just go on about your day like you normally would,” I recommended. “After all, maybe he was drunk or insane or something.”

            “Lily, he hardly looked or sounded drunk or insane.”

            “Well, then, I don’t know what to tell you, Bilbo, except to brush it off and continue with your life.”

            “I guess you’re right. He was probably talking nonsense anyway.” He cleared his throat. “How has your sister been?”

            “She’s been fine,” I said stiffly. Talking about Cecelia with Bilbo was a bit touchy for me. Just because we were best friends didn’t mean that I could talk to him about everything. “She’s still living where she was before. She and I ride a lot together. We always pass by here.”

            “I know. I see you both on occasion.” Bilbo looked away sheepishly.

            “You do?”


            “Then how come you don’t come out and at least say ‘hello’? It wouldn’t kill you, you know.”

            “Lily, you know why I don’t do that.” Bilbo’s tone was solemn.

            My nostrils flared at the reminder. “It’s been years since then. There is always time to make amends; we have all the time in the world to do that.” I sat up straight in the chair, crossing my ankles.

            “Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned Cecelia to begin with.”

            “You shouldn’t have,” I agreed tersely. “You know that it upsets me when you try to talk about her so nonchalantly after what you did to her.”

            “You don’t know how much I hated myself for it long after I did it.” He rested his head against the back of the chair. “I wanted to make things up to her, but I knew she wouldn’t accept any apology, and I knew I would have to get past you first before I could reach her.”

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