I can’t blame them, because the usual Marcel they always see is a nerd, with big glasses, and everything you can see in a nerd. But now I’m wearing a tux, with my curls, and no glasses. Not a very usual me.

So I pass by all the whispering noise and search for Mr. Jonny.

“Mr. Jonny!” I saw him in his phone checking some updates I think. He looks in my direction, and when he saw me it’s like he’s looking at a new jock entering his school. Oh… He doesn’t recognize me. He walks towards me still in those look.

“How can I help you, sir?” He asks me like I am going to play a prank in front of him. I can’t blame him though, it always happens.

“Styles, I’m Marcel Styles Mr. Jonny. I’m just going to ask when I will perform later.”

His disgust looks change to a very confused and shocked look.

“Marcel, is that really you?” He asks. Still a bit confused.

“Uhhh yes sir, I just clean up I think.” He chuckled in my answer.

“Well you clean up very nice. I can’t imagine that you can look like a jock. But anyways you’ll be performing after Ed Sheeran. Don’t worry we’ll introduce you.” He pats my shoulder.

“You change your style, but I hope you’ll not change yourself too.” He tells me with a big sigh.

“Don’t worry sir, I’m not planning on changing who I am.” I tell him with a warm smile.

“I hope so, and don’t forget us while you’re achieving your dreams.”

“I will never forget every single one here.”

“Anyways, what time are you leaving?”

“After the prom.”

“Oh… well good luck to your performance later, and wishing you all the best in reaching your dreams. I know you can do it.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh before I forgot, can you please take this with you?” he gave me two small boxes.

“What’s this?” I ask him.

“My son is also auditioning in the X-Factor, and I didn’t saw him for almost 3 years because he’s staying with his mum in Doncaster.  We separated and yeah, can you please give the blue box to him. His name is Louis, Louis Tomlinson. And the other box, keep it that’s my gift for you.”

“Sir, you don’t have to give me a gift. I’ll just give this to your son, but I’ll not accept the gift you gave me.”

“No, I insist. Please that’s only a small thing. Just keep it.”


“Okay enough for this. The prom is about to start so you can now go to your assigned table. And I’m going to talk to some important people. So good luck son, hope to see you in future.” And then he leaves.

“Marcel?” someone called me from behind so look to see who it is.

It’s Matt.

“M-Matt…” I might change my style but how can’t I be afraid of him. He bullied me for the rest of my high school here.

He came towards me, so back away. I don’t want this day to be ruined not even him can sabotage everything.

“Woah, woah, I’m not going to hurt you. Calm down.” He tell me as he surrender his hands up.

“What do you want?” I ask him in a harsh tone.

He took a deep breath before he speaks.

“I came here to apologize.”


“What do you mean why?”

“Why did you bully me? For all those years, why?” I almost scream at him. It’s just why did he only ask for an apology this time?

“I-I.. Because whenever I bully someone I think that I am powerful, I think that I can manipulate everyone, like hey they manipulate my life…” he whisper the last part, but enough for me to hear the whole of it.

Who manipulates his life?

I don’t know why but he began to cry… so I go next to him.

“I was bullied also… My whole elementary life was ruined by the bullies in my school before. So when I got to high school I make sure that I will change everything in my life, my personality, my style, how I walk, just everything. So I bully nerds and geeks because I want to make someone’s life miserable too. I want them to experience that kind of suffering I experience before…” he manages to explain between his sobs.

Now I understand everything. He’s bullied his entire life, so he tries to make other miserable…

“But, that doesn’t mean you should make others that miserable… Don’t you know because of you and your group I almost end my life, don’t you know that sometimes I cut just to release everything, that every time you make fun of me, every time you beat me, the question that always runs my mind is ‘What did I do to deserve this?’ or ‘What did I’ve done wrong to make me feel like a trash?’ Not because you got bullied before, you have to make others suffer too. You should prove them that even they bully you, you can do much better things than them, that you can kill them with a kind and good personality and prove them wrong. But not make others life so tragic.” I tell him...

“I know! That’s why I want to change. But before that I want to apologize to you. I know I should’ve approach you before about this… But I’m sorry, I’m sorry that this got so far, I’m sorry that I didn’t say sorry before, I’m sorry because I didn’t thought about everything I do, I’ sorry for everything.”

By the look in his eyes and the way he speaks, he’s really sorry.

“Fine, you’re forgiven. But make sure you’ll apologize to Alison too.”

“I will! Don’t you think we should start over?”


“It’s okay if don’t want to be friends with me, I unders-“

“No, it’s okay. We can start over, as a friend.”

“Thank you!”

And then he run going to the front stage where in the prom is.

I’ll just wait here until my performance I think…


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