Part 2

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Sorry guys if it takes sooooooooooooooooooooooooo long…

But yeah…. Here’s part 2 :D

Hope you enjoy reading it :D

Oh yeah, By the way... THANK YOU FOR THE VOTES IN THE FIRST PART :D I really, really do appriciate it :D

PS. There’s a PART3 AND PART 4.  I just don’t know how long this story could be. But it’s only a one shot, so probably it will be just short but MAYBE if you want I’ll make a SEQUEL: D

Thank you for support :D


Love ya’ all :D


Alison’s P.O.V.

It’s been a week since Marcel didn’t attend classes. Of course being his friend, I’m getting worried. He NEVER absent in his whole school life.  That’s why I’m worrying if something happen to him. And I never felt this kind of ‘worrying’ for a friend. I just zoned out everytime I think about Marcel…

“Hello? Alison to earth? Alison? ALISON GAIL MOORE!”

“Oh, Hey, Sorry, Megan …” Here’s Megan my best true friend…

“Are you okay? You’re very preoccupied lately. What’s the problem Alice? Is it about Matt again?” she asks. Should I tell her? Maybe.. She’s my best friend after all.

“Uhm… No... I just worry about Mar-“I was cut when I saw Matt approaching us.

“Hey babe! What’s up?” Matt greeted as he peck at my lips.

“Uhh... Hey.” That’s all I say.

“Uhmm... I think I should go to my next class. Bye Alison see ya’ later dear.” Then Megan leaves. She never likes Matt for me because yeah she and Matt has a past before and it end up very bad. She says that he is not worth it and such a jerk... I just don’t know what’s in me that we are together. That’s why Megan is here for me if ever he hurt me, there’s her to kill the shit out of him. She’s a fighter ;)

“So what’s with you lately? I’ve notice you keep on zoning out in class. You’ve never been like that before. What’s the problem?” Wow, he actually cares, I thought he doesn’t...

“Uhhh, it’s nothing promise. I’m fine.” LIES. I’m not okay.

“Ohh.. okay.” We just eat together, sometimes opening some conversations and yeah. We’re always like that. I don’t even know why we’re hold on.

“By the way, have seen Marcel? I never see him for a week...” That’s it. I spill...

“Why do you ask? And no, I don’t see him. It’s good actually. At least I won’t see that shit. It’s actually better if he leaves the school. He’s just a piece of trash in here.”  There’s something in me that want to punch him in his face. But i couldn’t. He’s still my boyfriend...

“Oh...”  Then after our ‘long’ conversation, he leaves. He said that he has a class, but the truth is that, he doesn’t have a class. He’s always been like that lately. He keeps on telling lies. He doesn’t even call or text me. He only does when he need something. It’s just... he doesn’t seem to be around everytime...

So I just go to my next class, Arts. It’s actually nice that our teacher is Ms. Veronica. She’s really a great teacher.

(Fast forward)

When the class ended, I go to Marcel’s flat to check if he’s okay. It’s just keep on bugging my mind.

So I doorbell at his door and yeah, the door opens. I saw Anne at the door.

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