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"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what I hope to give you forever."
                       - Nicholas Sparks

We walked to our class, well it is our first class 

And our professor entered the class and started to introduce about himself and his subject.

I sat beside Aditi and after that class, we had two more classes and soon our morning sessions were over and it's our break time now but I can't find Sam anywhere. I called her but it's switched off  and then by looking into timetable in notice board, I realized that we both have different timings for classes . 

Aditi and me got along very well, we both shared about each other's life, I told her about Sam and my family and I got to know that she doesn't have a mom and it is very heartbreaking to know that she lost her mom when she was just five. How much pain she would have felt then but fortunately she have a very caring and loving dad and she told me how he takes care of her even in trivial matters.

Aditi: so, do you have a boyfriend??

Allie: yes, and I am missing him already

Aditi: oh, cute. Care to tell your whole story? How it started and all??

Allie: That's a very long story, and might even bore you.

Aditi: No baba, I just love love stories.

Allie: oh, really?? I thought you would love only your books by your typical nerd look

Aditi: Haha, yes. I do love studying and I love reading novels too, and I am a big fan of Nicholas spark's love stories. So will you start without dragging much. I can't wait!!

Allie: Okay. I will just brief you our love story. We were school mates, and neighbors too. We used to be enemies more than friends. We used to bicker, fight, tease each other but one day, he went for his maternal home for holidays and in each other's absence we realized how much we like each other. And then when he was back, we both apologized to each other and started being friends and after a month, he proposed me on my birthday on his knees with a rose, yeah sounds cliche but yeah that's how it started. I quickly accepted because I know I already love him and waiting for a right opportunity to confess my feelings for him. And that's how our relationship started. He is studying in another city now, we are in long distance and I really get scared sometimes that if we and our love can withstand this distance.

Aditi: It's okay. It will be fine at the end and also you have many ways to be in touch with him like Skype, Facebook, Whatsapp and much more.

Allie: Yeah, maybe it can work.

Authors note:

Hey! Thank you people for voting and giving your valuable feedback and I really need your support to continue. This is the first ever story and first book I have ever written, which I have started after thinking a lot.

And I want to say one more thing, I am from India and English is our second language in the place I live in. So do correct me if  I make any mistakes in the story.

Your support is all I need now. So please vote and kindly pm me my mistakes so that I can write in a much better way.

And about the story, just stay tuned. I am gonna write a very nice poem in the next part, and I promise it would be worth reading.

That's all, Bye Bye.

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