The Lone Killer

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I wasn't alone when killing
My shadow is always by my side
I'm doing it for the gain of money
After the foolishness I've committed

Whether I'm using guns or knives
I'm still killing
And I hate it

I'm only satisfied when I forget the past
And when it's done right...
I sense your horror
And I hate it

Sadly enough, I am taken
By both killing skills and my solitary ways
Loving a human once more is only a waste of my life

Whenever I'm in public,
My friends ask me to join them
I decline
Socializing and having company is also a waste of my precious life

I don't even know why they want me
They asked my name once
And I gave them a fake one

They're going along with it
Did I mention that they don't know me?
Stupid, stupid people.
They still don't know my past or my life

My face may look tiring and emotionless
It's from the work I do at every darken hour
But hey, it's worth the gain of money

What do I do in my free time?
I do everything to not look suspicious
But at home, I am myself
I polish my weapons, write what occurs around this stupid world, and cry

The policemen's actions,
The everyday surroundings,
And the first impressions of my next victims

They all look at me weird
I once sat right next to one at a metro station
They shifted a tad bit away from me
Typical reaction for a victim

I can smell their fear
I can smell yours too
And I hate it

If I could read their minds
They'd be asking how they got sitting next to me
Either way, they're now dead
It's not like I cared about their pathetic little comments

What made me kill
Is what made me forget
Spending countless amount of money on what helped me

What made me be this way is not just the expensive drugs
It was a broken heart
I didn't a think such a small... act
Would lead me into such a ride of pain

As I was saying,
I'm a cold murderer
And I prefer to be left alone, but remembered by criminal activity

And it all started from a broken heart...
And a foolish action and mind...

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