District 5

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(District 5)


"You guys doing alright?" I said to the twins. I had a Commando Assault Rifle secured with my hands. I was really armored because if anything happened I was ready. This world we're living was hopeless...a lot of innocent lives were taken. My mom, dad and my sister Emma they were all dead because of that stupid war. I could still remember how my sister screamed in pain because she was stabbed by a stupid asshole. I could still remember the day my dad said good bye and I didn't know that it was his last good bye. I could still remember how my mom comforted us when my dad left.

"We're fine... Thank you for asking." The twins grinned and walked away.
I looked at the tall wall that was around our village. "Hey Jack... Go rest it's already our shift." Rapunzel said as she walked towards me. I nodded.

The cold wind and the dark blue skies with bright stars was the definition of a perfect combination. I walked to my wooden hut and went in.

I hid my guns and laid down on my bed to sleep.


I walked slowly and checked my surroundings. "Psst! Anna here's your chocolate!" Someone shouted like a whisper wow was that even possible?
I looked down at my back and saw Punzie (Ranpunzel) hiding in the bushes with a delicious chocolate on her hand.

I looked around first to see if someone was watching and walked to her quickly. "Why are you hiding there?" I asked.
"You forgot our rules?!" She said shockingly.

"Ok. Ok. Thanks" I said while taking the chocolate in her hands and walked away like nothing happened.

Punzie was my cousin. She was the only family left I had. My sister well... she died two years ago while the war was on going. We grew up with no parents, we were orphans. We once lived with our abusive uncle. He abused us everyday. I don't know if he was still alive or not. Well I was not hoping anymore.

I walked up the stairs that will lead me to the top of the tall wall. You really need a lot of energy to go up to the wall, you know. That was why I brought a chocolate.

I sat on the surface and sigh. I looked at the view.

 I looked at the view

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"Elsa I'm so sorry..." A tear escaped on my left eye. I quickly wiped it and ate my chocolate.


"Jack make sure you'll protect your mom and Emma. I want you to be like me, a soldier... I'm Major now and that's an achievement and I can't wait you to wear this kind of uniform." My dad smiled while I hugged him. "Take care dad. I'll make sure to protect them no matter what." I said surely.

"Promise Major Frost." I chuckled.

Tick. Tock. The clock is moving. Tick. Toc-
"Help Jack! -"
No! No! No! What happened!
Emma! "Emma! What happened?!!" I shouted-


"Mom!" No! No!
"Töte sie alle!" "Kill them all!" A man said. I was dizzy-
"Jack?.... Jack? Are you there-"
Emma! No! No! "Emma what happened?!!" I shouted.

"Promise Major Frost." I chuckled.
"Well I should get going now." He smiled.

"Emma... Mom" nooo...


I stood up quickly with wide eyes. What happened? Emma? Mom? Dad? I was breathing really fast and I didn't know what to do. I sat on the cold wooden floor and tried to remember that nightmare I had recently. I thought I could save them. I failed my father. I'm so sorry...

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