part 2

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            gazing at the starry sky , and  picturing her features that still haunt me , is my every night routine since she died and left me .

few shots of whiskey were meant to relieve my melancholy .. but now I'm drunk and I still dream about my Annabel lee .

all the world has conspired to separate her from me , but they've never succeeded , until that ominous day when we were by the sea .

             the sunset that day wasn't  spectacular ,  the sun was dimly lighted and hidden behind the heavy mists , as the daylight kept decreasing  the luminosity , until the scenery transformed into a dark blurry gray .
We walked a bit away from the shore ,
And suddenly a chill wind blew out of nowhere , When a Squadron of Crows flew away and settled on tops of the bare trees , I've heard some whispers near , so I went to check , and when I came back , there was Annabel lee thrown on the shore , I've ran to wake her up , but she didn't  answer me .

As I shouted her name many times breaking the silence of the sea , I've heard some whispers of people laughing at me !  I turned around searching for them , but there was nobody there but us , I and my dead Annabel lee .

I raised my eyes to the sky and said , everything she did was loving me .

Now I believe , that the demons sucked the soul of my beloved Annabel lee , out of jealousy.

Every night when the moon beams , & the stars shine , I see my Annabel lee and I feel like she's still watching me .

On her tomb I lay , motionless in pain ! I see our memories flashing before my eyes , and try to Put sorrow on the farthest place on my derelict shelve .

In no time , I found the sun sticking thumbs in my eyes , as I rolled on the grave to a place in which the sun couldn't reach me , fighting exhaustion and collecting my blues and empty bottles to another night .

Another night of thinking about my Annabel lee .

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