Chapter I

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I look behind me searching for the gleam of the flashlight but I don't see it. My head is spinning I can't believe I managed to get out of that place. All I know is I am prisoner 1942 and I am innocent, I don't know what I did wrong (or what I was captured for) but I know I'm innocent.

I must of fallen asleep hidden by the trees because when I open my eyes the sun is casting an glow around the trees and I can hear a small hum of the birds. For a moment I forgot why I was sleeping outside, then it hit me, literally a young girl accidentally fell down from the tree onto my foot.
"Oh I'm so s-sorry, let me help you" the girl said her voice was soft and melodic and sounds like the most beautiful bird singing "my names Dakota but most people call me Coda". I didn't know what to say, as far as I knew I didn't have a name but I couldn't just not tell her something to call me.
"Hi, nice to meet you Coda my names is err Daniel." I picked the first name I could think of, my voice sounded ruff and harsh not like mine at all.
"Have you been sleeping out here all night?" Coda asked
"Err yeah" I replied
"Well you must be starving and cold and not to mention your foot and all thoughts cuts, you must be exhausted!"  She didn't even let me reply she just set down her apple and put her arm around my back and helped me stand then walk. I know it might of been a trap but she was right I could never survive on my own.

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