Demon Moms

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"Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out."

My eyes roam around small closet. I haven't opened it in years, and now it all seems so surreal. All around from top to bottom, are shelves filled with crowns and sashes won from pageants I previously used to do. I loved the feel of having a crown on top of my head.

I've always wanted to be a princess when I was younger. What little girl didn't? And I got exactly that. I was the daddy's little princess at home, I was the princess at school, and I was fucking princess of the playground. Even my name resonated a royal hue: Genevieve Hamilton.

As I grew older, I realized being a princess wasn't destined for me. No, that was too  petty. I desired to be queen. Little did I know, that on my way to "Queen", I became a bitch. They all say treat people the way you would like to be treated. But no one does that. People treat people based on how much money they have, and that's the real world.

All those bullying stories you hear about, or read about, aren't true. There will not be an "it" girl with her two side chicks. And they will not bully the poor new girl for no reason. All that nonsense gets tiring after while. But one thing that is true, is that girls are cruel. If you have something you want (hair, money, in this case, guy) they will loathe you. Some are "nice" and will do it secretly. Me? Not so much. And that's why I'm a bitch.

Cassie Hartman was the shy quiet girl that everyone was chill with. No one had a problem with her because she was too sweet and innocent. She only talked with a close group of friends and she had a huge crush on Jacob Hasse. My boyfriend. I knew about it, since every single girl had a small crush on him. And the fact that her face turned beet red and her speech was cracked in stuttering when around him didn't help to hide the fact. But I didn't really care, he was mine and though she was far from ugly, she was never going to get him. However, one day out of the blue, Jacob broke up with me. I was heartbroken. I thought we were in LOVE.  A week later, they started dating. Jacob and Cassie. The seemingly perfect couple. The shy pretty girl, and the outgoing football player. And I knew deep down they really were, but I just didn't want to accept that. We were supposed to be together, not him and her. So I turned all my breakup anger at Cassie. Poor Cassie. Eventually I backed down, but not before almost tearing her and the relationship apart. Everyone knew of what I did, and they all were shocked and disgusted. All my friends couldn't believe it. But it eventually blew over. And now here I am, stuck between moving on and stabbing someone. It's ideal.

I quietly leave the small room with fresh tears in my eyes at the agonizingly painstaking  memories it triggered. Before anyone caught on to my puffy red eyes, I quickly rub my them and take a deep breath. Stepping out of the dimly lit room, the bright light temporarily blinds me. I realize I've been in there for more than an hour.

I stroll into the kitchen, looking for my mom. I find her hunched over putting on the final touches on her "creation".

"Hey, Mom," I interrupt.

She looks up and smiles. "Hey, honey. Where have you been hiding?"

"Oh, I was just looking at my old crowns." I give her an explanation.

She snorts. "Definitely do not miss fake smiling to the fake moms. I never understood why you liked pageants."

It was true. On many occasions, I had to restrain my mom from going all psycho on those "demon moms" as she liked to refer to them as. Try competing with the devils spawn.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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