My Biggest Fear

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Thea's P.O.V.
I woke up when I felt  someone pick me up. I guessed it was Mista J till I opened my eyes I screamed seeing a scarecrow holding me I kicked and screamed again until I felt a needle go into my side I whimper then everything went black. I woke up I was tied to a metal chair it was like some crazy torture chamber, I looked around nervously then I saw a man in the corner of the room I was in I yelled at him, hey let me go ya retard I never did anything to you! I was about to say something else when all of the sudden A scarecrow walked into my view he stood in front of me and laughed at me as I was trying to pull myself loose from the ropes that I was tied down with I could not get free, what do you want with me I screamed at him. What are you afraid of he asked me. Are you serious I said you kidnapped me to ask me what I was afraid of?! Yes my dear the strange scarecrow man answered me. Oh I'm sorry my dear you don't know who I am I forgot you were new in town my name is scarecrow I like to mess with people's fears. I already know what your's is so you don't have to tell me.  I'm not afraid of anything I bravely answered. Oh my dear you are afraid of something and I'm ready to see  that fear he said as he stuck a A needle into my arm I yelped in pain then I started seeing my biggest fear come to life. The scarecrow unchained me and I walked around I was in my old orphanage back in California I heard a deep dark laugh and I heard a scream I heard a voice it sounded so Familiar I ran up the staircase knowing where the scream came from I threw open the door and I saw Mista J on the floor he looked up at me and touched my face I kissed him please don't go I cried into his chest please don't leave me Jack please don't go I looked at him as a tear slid down my face and then everything vanished the orphanage the Joker and all the blood I was confused I was back on the Metal table in that big warehouse with the scarecrow it was just a dream I breathed I looked at the scarecrow he laughed at me and then said was it a dream or was it reality with that he walked away from me over to his desk looked down at some notes then came back over to me with a knife to my throat and a Needle to my arm I started crying I had to be honest The scarecrow horrified me he said where's the joker and know one gets hurt.  I looked at him and said I'm never telling you and you can't torture it out of me he then cut my leg I yelped in pain but did not cry where is he he said agin I'm not telling I yelled as I felt blood trickle down my leg, before he could cut me agin I heard a voice behind me say you wanted me scarecrow? I started crying in relief it was J I was saved he walked over to the scarecrow and punched him in the face then stabbed him twice in the leg and once in the arm the joker then untied me and tied the scarecrow up really tight. The joker turned to me and said you ok love? Ya I'm fine I tried to say but then started crying I stumbled into the jokers arms he saw the cut on my leg and grab a rag to stop the bleeding he picked me up and put me in his car and said let's go home doll face I'm sorry that he took you I'll make sure he never does it again if he does he won't get away so easy.

~~~ magical time skip to when we got home~~~
The joker picked me up to come in the house and took me to his room he set me on the bed quickly took off his shirt and tied it in my on my leg to stop the bleeding he went over to his desk grab a needle and some thread and said now that's get that stitched up I looked at him nervously can you and stitch me up I stuttered. Yes doll face because if I couldn't I have to take you to the hospital then we would be put into Arkham asylum and you don't want that to happen how do you love no I answered still crying he looked up at me and gave me a reassuring smile and untied his shirt for my leg and started to stitch me up I won't lie it did hurt but I could take it I looked up at him  my eyes never leaving him I was afraid but he made me feel safe I slowly lay down as he said done now that didn't hurt too bad did it doll face? No I answered it didn't hurt too bad I went to get up but he quickly laid me back down. You have to stay here for the night to make sure that it heals right or at least a few days I don't want you to walk on it because the stitches could stretch and then well they will come loose. Where will you sleep ask him quizzically oh I'll sleep on the couch he said he was about to walk out the door when I said Mista J please umm could you sleep in hear with me? Just for tonight I said. Yeah sure doll face I  what ever you want he smiled the crawled into bed I snuggled up close to him i was about to close my eyes when I turned to him and said Mista J I need to tell you something, yeah what is it he said opening his eyes, I umm I love you I said nervously. He sat up in bed and looked at me you love me? really you're in love with the Prince of crime yes I answered I am I'm in love with the joker I'm in love with a madman he looked at me and smiled I love you too Thea then he kissed me and laid back down I smiled at him and laid back down and fell asleep.

The Jokers lil WeaponOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora