Kidnapped by The Joker

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*Jokers P.O.V.
I was laughing when I walked Into the bank when all of the sudden I felt the Cold barrel of a gun to my head I started laughing agin as I turned to whoever had me at gun point and said well well well boys looks like we have a new friend the girl was really pretty so brave I wanted her to be mine forever she was prettier than Harley if that's even possible I really wanted to kiss her but that wired so I just knocked her out instead and put the girl in the back of my car. When we got back to the hideout I put her in Harley's old room wow I missed this place I tied my captive to the bed and walked out waiting for her to wake up.

*Thea's P.O.V.*
I woke up in a new place I tried to sit up but  my head was killing me and I was also tied to the bed. Ugh I huffed trying to remember what happened oh ya that Joker guy came and robbed the bank and I went to stop him and he knocked me out. But why am I hear and not dead I thought to myself. Well I can't lay hear forever so I stared to wiggle my hands I knew how to get out of this trap real easy I did this in jail I thought to myself, I finally got out of the ropes and started to look at the room I was in. It had all my favorite Colors in it. Red, Green and purple. Green reminded me of the Jokers hair I smiled as I thought of him then realized he is the one who kidnaped me in the first place. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I slowly walked to the door when I got there it was locked. NUTS I thought to myself but then pulled a Bobby-pin out of my hair I knew how to pick locks but when I opened the door to guys in clown masks punch me to the ground I got up and kicked one guy in the balls and then the other guy I knocked out in one punch. Well that was fun I said smiling to myself. Well done I herd a voice say from the door that made me jump. I'm very impressed on how easily you got out of your ropes and took down 2 of my goons I giggled at the word goons the Joker can up to me and ask why I was not scared of him I answered saying that he did not frighten me in fact I want to take down a couple of banks he looked at me surprised and said so you are not scared of me? No I think it would be fun to live bad ass. He smiled at my reply and dang did he have a nice smile! Like what you see? he asked, oh umm sorry I didn't know I was staring I said trying to hide a blush he gave me my orders and said if you are to join my gang you have to prove yourself. How I asked curiously, well you must change Your clothing and come with me we have target practice oo that sounds fun I said he pointed to the closet and said I can where what ever  I would like. I got exited as he left the room I dragged the unconscious goons and set them in the hall way the got changed into a Daddy's Lil Monster shirt and a pair of leggings and so heals I found. I walked out the door exited for the practice.

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