The Bank

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*Thea's P.O.V.*
Here I was my first day in Gotham. I was supposed to be at school right now but I'm dropping out, I'm sick of College . I hate school so much I thought to myself, as I looked up into the sky. It was a cool day I wish I had a jacket. I was on my way to Panda Express my fave place in the world to eat, when I passed by the bank, I better get some money out because I left my credit card at the hotel I was staying in. When I got inside, I walked over to the Bank associate (idk what they are called) "What's your name Hun?" she asked me. "Thea Black." I said, and gave her my account information.
Then, all of the sudden I hear a loud BANG I went down to the ground and grabbed my gun I hid behind the corner and saw men in clown masks run in I was not scared at all, they made me want to laugh they looked so stupid! Then I feel an arm come up behind me which made me jump in surprise it was the girl I had got my money from just seconds before. I looked at her and said what's going on but before she could speak a tall guy who looked to be about my age walked in he was laughing out of control, I turned to the girl and asked her who he was and she said in fear, that's the Joker the Prince Of Crime she gulped after that I look at the man he was not scary looking at all in fact he was really cute. I got up and snuck behind the Joker and pulled my gun out and coked it. I put it to his head he froze. He said, Well well well boys looks like we have a new friend I looked at him confused he turned to me and laughed. I wasn't scared at all in fact I wanted to kiss this Joker guy right then and there but I stopped myself he's a villain I can't kiss him then agin I could bc of what I did back in California, before i could say anything to him everything
went black.

* authors note*
I hope you guys liked my book so far. I will try to update soon. Sorry for any mistakes! This is my first book so sorry if it's not good Love ya!😘😈

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