Personal Imagine for Kia♡

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You were in your room getting ready for the big night. You did your makeup as always and started doing your hair. 

"Should I leave it straight or do some curls at the ends?" You asked one of your friends who was sitting on your bed already ready waiting for you. 
"You know we are going to a concert, right? Which means in there it gets all hot and neither your makeup or your hair are gonna last much." Your friend said giggling.
"I know but I still want to look good! Besides what if we really met them and we get a picture? I have to look good." You said in a duh tone.
"Fine. I'll help you do some curls." Your friend said walking up to you.
When you finished getting ready you took off to the venue to get in line for the sound check.

After waiting the security of the venue opened the doors and you went in with your friend.
"Hello everyone!" Ashton said into the mic once they came out on stage. 
"How are you beautiful people today?" Michael asked 
They answered some fan questions and played a few songs.
When they played Beside You your friends nudged you but you were looking at Michael since you were on his side. "Oh my god Kia!" You turn around to look at your friend just to find her looking ahead almost going into shock. You frown and turn around into the direction she's looking just to find Luke staring at you. He saw you looking back so he turned around and the sound check continued with a few stares from him here and there.

The soundcheck ended and you and your friend decided to grab some food before the show.
You make it back to the venue at time and the opening acts went by fast.
The show finally starts and when they are singing Castaway, you notice Luke looking a lot at the crowd, but not on the way he always does, he looks like he's searching for something... or someone. You shrug it off and continue to dance and scream. 
The song ended and it's Ashton's turn to speak.
"So tonight there's something special happening." He yells and everyone screams.
"We think Luke here may have a crush?" Calum says looking at Luke.
"It's not a crush!" He tries to say but everyone is yelling too loud.
"He likes someone a lot." Michael says.
"He saw her today!" Ashton says.
"At soundcheck... in the crowd!" Calum says.
Luke at this point is laughing and giving them glares to stop.
"And she's here tonight somewhere in the crowd too!" Ashton yells and everyone that was at soundcheck started freaking out.
"This next song is called San Francisco!" Luke says and they got into their places.
Michael is looking at the crowd while he's strumming the guitar. He then sees you and smiles at you. He turns around to see Luke and nods towards you with a smile.
Luke seems lost for a moment but catches up soon when he locks eyes with you.
Even when they lights from the stage are low you still can see his perfect blue eyes.
Luke smiles at you instantly.

"Remember that weekend when we got out of town?
Drove into infinity, I held you 'til you fell asleep
Without you, the smell of your perfume
Reminds me of when we were free, I swear that it's still haunting me"

He looks at you while singing. A big smile plastered on his face.

"Leaves fall from the tallest trees
Even mountains crumble into the sea
Holding on to memories
And I can't let go." 

He flashes you one more smile before turning around.
You turn around to see your friend with wide eyes.
"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?" She screams.
You two continue to enjoy the show until it ended.

"That... WAS THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!" You yell while you're walking down the aisle on the venue.

"Yeah well if Luke Hemmings were looking me dead in the eye while singing I'd be as hype as you are." Your friend laughs while giving you a side hug.

You were almost out of the venue when two security guards were walking towards you.

"Excuse me?" One of them asks.
"Yeah?" You say.
"Can I ask what section were you in?" He asks politely.
"Why?" You ask confused.
"We were on the Floor section." Your friends answers. 
"What row?"
"Third road. Why?" 
"You need to come with us."
"Wait why?" You ask worried.
"No need to worry. They want to see you." 
"They? Who?" You ask.
"Kia! don't be silly! Who do you think?" Your friend said in a duh tone.
"Follow us." The man says wasting no more time.
You walked behind them along with your friend.
"You have no idea how hard it was for us to find you." One guard laughs quietly.
"All they told is you were in the first 5 rows from the floor section." The other man says.
"And told us 'look for a girl with a 5sos shirt, brown eyes and brown long hair' "
You laugh nervously. Still confused.
"I told you Luke was looking at you for a reason." Your friend whispers. 
"I'm sure they got the wrong girl." You whisper back.
"I hope that's not true." They say back.

Finally you made to the backstage rooms.
One of the guards knocked on the door.
"Come in!" You hear Ashton's voice and your heart starts beating fast.
The guards walk in and gesture you to follow them.
When you do you see yourself standing in front of Michael, Ashton and Calum.
"That's her!" Michael says jumping up from the couch. 
Calum and Ashton follow him.
"Hi!" Ashton says.
"Or hey" You thought.
They laughed and you realize you said that out loud, slightly blushing.
"What's your name babe?" Ashton asks.
"It's Chiara, but I prefer Kia." You smile.
"Lovely name!" He say.

Then Luke walked into the room and froze when he saw you.
"I told you I'd get her." Michael says smiling proudly.
You smile at Luke waiting for him to say or do something.
"Are you gonna stand there like an idiot? Because if that's the case then we will take Kia for some dinner." Calum says.
Luke laughs awkwadly.
"Okay since it looks like Luke isn't gonna say anything I'll tell you, he liked you when he saw you at soundcheck and couldn't stop talking about you, the mistery girl, and was looking for you desperately at the show and then I spotted you and he saw you too and after the show ended he was talking yet again about you so I send the security guard to search for you and here you are!" Michael says.
"That was a long explanation." Calum says.
"Shut up Calum." Michael says back.
"So we will leave you two alone. Bye!" Ashton says before dragging everyone out of the room including your friend.
"So.. hey!" Luke finally says.
"Hey." You say smiling at him.
"Sorry for my lack of words. I don't know why but suddenly I became nervous with you here." He says. "In a good way!" He adds.
You giggled at him. "So wh-"
"I liked you!" He blurred out. "I mean you're really pretty and so is your smile and I just think you're cute."
You blush and look down. "I didn't introduce myself, I'm Kia." You say extending your hand at him. He took it instantly. "I'm Luke." He says and you just laughed. "But you already know that." He chuckled and ran his hand to the back of his neck. "Well yeah."  You say still laughing.
You two stood there smiling at each other. 
"I think the other went either for food or back to the tour bus. So would you like to go out for some dinner with me? I think there's a lot I'd like to know about you." He says smiling cutely at you.
"I'd love that." You say and he gave you a side hug walking out of the room.
And you knew that was going to be definitely the best night of your life... and maybe the start of something? who knows what can happen, you thought. 
A/N: This is the first imagine of this book! I hope you all like it, specially you Kia!
And sorry for my horrible grammar. PART 2?? what do you say?
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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