Chapter Four

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                                                                              Chapter Four

I searched desperately for days, weeks, months even! I searched to find my angel named Penny, but, there were no records of her leaving Paris! Not even a train ticket! they said. Some of the people Philippe and I interrogated probably weren't telling the whole truth, there was something in their eyes, something glittering in the sunlight.


The good monsieur Erik most likely threatened all of those who saw the lovely angel on her trek out of Paris, Philippe and I were malnourished of knowledge because of this. I do not blame those people, I would have wired my mouth shut if I were them! But, I am not. I am not one of them. Sure, monsieur Erik has threatened me more than once, and, admittedly, I was quivering quite a lot, but the drive to find my angel is much stronger than my fear of monsieur Erik.

So I hope.

I know, in the end, something terrible will happen, a duel perhaps? Erik and I have already agreed that we fight to the death for Penny, I guess the real questions are, who will live? And who will die? Philippe pulled me out of my thoughts my smacking the back of my head "come on, Raoul! Are you dazed off again?"

He asked with a laugh, I most certainly was. I sighed and looked around, Philippe and I sat on a bench in the middle of the bustling, Paris train station. I put my hand down beside me to feel a small piece of paper underneath, I glanced down to find an address written in a childish scrawl 'Mrs. Valorous, 4836 Oxford Circle, London, England'...wait a moment, I recognized this handwriting!

It was monsieur Erik's handwriting!

That means that my angel must have been here! She must have dropped this on the way to the train! I quickly showed Philippe who ran, at once, to the ticket man and ordered two tickets to London, England. The next train for London, however, was in two nights. My head fell into my hands and Philippe patted my shoulder "don't fret, Raoul, we'll see her again." Philippe said softly.

"Wait a moment, monsieur, did you just call him 'Raoul'? As in the Viscount?" Asked the ticket man, Philippe and I shared a confused glance.

"Yes, monsieur, I am the Viscount Raoul de Chagny" I answered, the ticket man smiled and disappeared under his desk for a moment, returning with an envelope.

"A man told me to give this to you last night, monsieur de Chagny. He said you would be by this morning!" The ticket man said happily, Philippe and I thanked the man, hurrying back to the bench and examining the letter. This time, the writing on the envelope was printed. With a sigh and a glance to Philippe I tore open the envelope, taking out a letter written in red ink, in a childish scrawl.

Monsieur Erik. I should have known.

Dearest Viscount de Chagny,

      You would, no doubt, enjoy the knowledge of where Miss. Penny was, wouldn't you? I will tell you, only for you to have some piece with Erik, understand? If I tell you where Penny is, you must and I repeat MUST not come looking for her! At least not until she is taken in to the Paris Opera House...please, monsieur Raoul, I beg of you! For all our sakes, DO NOT go hunting for Penny...not yet, monsieur.

      Monsieur de Chagny, Penny is living with me now, in London, she and her sister Madeline (and her cat, Agatha). She, Madeline, and Agatha will live with me for five months, then, she will be transported to the Paris Opera House where she will sing, there, and only there, is it safe for you to go looking for her. Monsieur Erik is an extremely dangerous and deadly man, monsieur Raoul, you are playing with an explosive....the deadliest explosive there not expect to come away from this unscathed, or alive, even. Erik has killed before for far less, monsieur. You are putting your life on the line for a life that may not even exist, monsieur, be sure you know what you're doing.

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