Chapter 3

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Someone knocked again and the Dursleys woke up. Uncle Vernon came into the room with a rifle. “Who’s there!” he shouted, “I’m armed!” The knocking stopped for a minute. The person who was knocking knocked down the door. The person who stepped in was huge and had a big beard. He squeezed his way into the hut and put the door back into place. “Couldn’t make us a cup o’ tea could yeh?” he asked. “An’ here’s Harry and Zoro!” he said sitting on the couch, “Las’ time I saw the two of you, you were only babies. Harry, you look a lot like yer dad and you’ve got yer mom’s eyes. Zoro, you look like a spitting image of yer dad.” “I demand you leave at once!” Uncle Vernon said, “You are breaking and entering!” “Ah shut up Dursley you great prune!” the man said taking Uncle Vernon’s gun. He bent it and threw it in the corner of the room. 

“Anyway..Happy birthday Harry! I’ve got you something. I might’ve sat on it at one point, but I’m sure it’ll still taste fine,” the man said digging around in his trench coat. He pulled out a cardboard box and inside it was a birthday cake. “Who are you?” I asked wary of the stranger. The man chuckled and said, “I’m Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of the Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.” Hagrid walked over to the fireplace where a small fire was burning and about to die out. He bent over it and all of sudden the flames got larger. He took out a kettle of tea and some sausages out of his pockets. When the sausages were done Uncle Vernon said, “Don’t eat anything he gives you Dudley.” “Yer great pudding of a son doesn’t need more fattening up,” Hagrid said handing some of the sausages over to me and Harry. 

“Thanks but I still don’t really know who you are,” I said. “Call me Hagrid! Everyone does. An’ like I told yeh, I’m Keeper of the Keys at Hogwarts. Yeh know all about Hogwarts of course...,” Hagrid said. “No,” both Harry and I said. Hagrid looked shocked. “Gomen,” I said. “Sorry,” Harry said quickly. “Sorry?” asked Hagrid glaring at the Dursleys, “It’s them who should be sorry! I knew you guys weren’t getting your letters but, I never thought that yeh both wouldn’t know anything about Hogwarts! Did yeh ever wonder where your parents learned it all?” “All what?” we both asked. “ALL WHAT?!” Hagrid shouted, “Wait jus’ one second!” He then turned to face the Dursleys and said, “Do you mean ter tell me that these boys! These boys! Know nothing about anything?!” He we aren’t stupid! “We do know some things,” Harry said in defense, “Like math and geography.” “I hate geography,” I said. Hagrid stopped us and said, “About our world, I mean yer world, Yer parents’ world.” “What world?” we both asked really confused. He looked like he was going to explode and he shouted, “DURSLEY!” 

“But yeh both must know about yer parents. I mean they’re famous! You two are famous! Some of the council members thought it would be dangerous for the two of you to be in the same house!” Hagrid said. “What my mom and dad weren’t famous. Where they?” Harry asked. “I don’t even know who my parents were,” I said. “Yeh don’t know what the two of yeh are?” Hagrid asked. “Stop!” Uncle Vernon shouted, “Stop right there! I forbid you to tell the boys anything!”  “You never told them? You never told them about what was in the letter Dumbledore left fer them? You kept it from them all these years?” Hagrid asked. “Kept what from us?” Harry asked eagerly. “STOP! I FORBID YOU!” Uncle Vernon said panicked. “Ah go boil yer heads,” Hagrid told the Dursleys, “Harry. Zoro. You are wizards.” “A what?” we both asked. “Wizards o’ course and some good ones too once you’ve been trained a bit. An’ I think it’s the right time ter read yer letter,” Hagrid said handing us a letter. I let Harry open it and it read:




Harry Potter's Adopted Brother (A One Piece Harry potter Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now