Chapter 1

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How’d I end up at the Dursley’s? I don’t trust them much, but they said the Potter’s adopted me from Japan so I’m Harry’s adopted brother. We apparently got into a car crash and Harry and I just got scars while Lily and James died. Someone knew that Harry was related to the Dursley’s and left us at their front door. Now I can believe that my scar came from a car crash because it looked like I was almost cleaved in two, but Harry’s doesn’t. 

Me and Harry woke up that morning to Aunt Petunia knocking on the cupboard door and shouting at us, “Get a move on! Harry I want you to watch the bacon and Zoro I want you to watch the eggs! I want everything to be perfect on Duddy’s birthday!” Harry and I groaned. Our cousin Dudley is the most spoiled brat ever. “What did you say?” she snapped. “Nothing,” we both said. We both got dressed and went down the hall and into the kitchen. The table was almost full of Dudley’s presents. It also looked like he got that racing bike he wanted. Why he wanted the bike confused both me and Harry. Dudley hates exercise unless it involves bullying Harry. He only does it when I’m not around, because I caught him once and punched him in the face. I was grounded for a month, but it was worth it. 

Harry was small and really skinny for his age. It must be from living here. I’m kind of the opposite. I’m tall for my age and I have a lot of muscle. Maybe Harry wouldn’t be so skinny if he maxed out a lot in the school’s gym. Uncle Vernon came into the kitchen and shouted to Harry, “Comb your hair!” He then turned to me and shouted, “Go put a cap on or something to hide your ridiculous hair!” “Yes sir,” I sighed going to the cupboard to grab my bandana and tie it around my head. Did I mention that my hair’s naturally green? Yah, the Dursley’s hate it. I went back into the kitchen as Aunt Petunia and Dudley sat down. 

“36,” Dudley said, “Last year I got 38.” “You haven’t counted Aunt Marge’s present see,” Aunt Petunia said showing him. “Okay thats 37 then,” Dudley said his face growing red. “We’ll by you another two presents while we’re out today,” Aunt Petunia said, “Is that alright popkin?” “That makes...,” Dudley said trying to do the math. “39,” Aunt Petunia answered. “Oh,” Dudley said opening his presents. I rolled my eyes and went back to making eggs. “Little tyke wants his moneys worth, just like his father,” Uncle Vernon laughed. At that moment the phone rang and Aunt Petunia went to go answer it. 

“Bad news Vernon,” she said, “Mrs. Figg’s broken her leg. She can’t take them.” Oh hell yes! No more cat pictures! “Now what?” she asked glaring at me and Harry. “We could phone Marge,” Uncle Vernon answered. “Don’t be silly she hates those two,” Aunt Petunia. “What about your friend Yvonne?” Uncle Vernon asked. “She’s on vacation in Majorca,” she answered. “You could just leave us here,” Harry said hopefully. “And come back to the house in ruins!” Aunt Petunia snarled. “We wont blow up the house,” I said. “I suppose we could take them with us to the zoo....and leave them in the car,” Aunt Petunia said. “The car’s new! They’re not sitting in it alone!” Uncle Vernon argued. Dudley started fake crying. “Dinky Duddydums don’t cry I won’t let them ruin your special day,” Aunt Petunia said hugging him and trying to calm him down. “But..I..I don’t want them to come...They ruin everything,” Dudley said shooting us a nasty grin from between Aunt Petunia’s arms. I rolled my eyes at him and mouthed go to hell. Just then the doorbell rang and Aunt Petunia hurried to answer it. Peirs Polkiss walked in. He’s part of Dudley’s gang. Dudley stopped crying immediately. Half an hour later I couldn’t believe our luck. The Dursley’s started the van and let us sit in the way back. We were on our way to the zoo for the first time. “I’m warning you two! No funny business or you’ll be stuck in the cupboard till christmas!” Uncle Vernon warned. “I’m not going to do anything! Honestly,” Harry promised. Uncle Vernon then glared at me. I put my hands up and then folded them behind my head. I then put my headphones on and turned up my mp3 player. I got them from this guy who got a new I-pod and headset for christmas. He said he would trade me if I carved him a figurine, for a present for his mother. I motioned for Harry to scoot closer and I extended my headphones so that he could listen too.

Yah a few weird and unexplainable things have happened around me and Harry. One time Aunt Petunia died my hair black and basically shaved Harry’s head. The next day the die was out of my hair and all of Harry’s hair grew back. Then one time Harry was getting chased and he tried to jump behind the trash cans only to end up on the school’s chimney. “I had a dream about a motorcycle!” Harry said suddenly, “It was flying!” Dudley and Piers started laughing but stopped once I glared at them. “MOTORCYCLES CAN’T FLY!” Uncle Vernon shouted. “Come on it was only a dream,” I said getting tired of this. We finally arrived at the zoo and I shut off my mp3 and rested my headphones around my neck. We got out of the car and Dudley and Piers instantly found the gorillas. 

So far I’ve had the best morning ever. We walked over to the tiger exhibit. Witch was just a few tigers in a few cages. I got up close to one of the cages and the tiger chuffed at me. I copied the noises he made and he looked at me amused. That’s when both Piers and Dudley decided to slam me into the cage. The tiger growled lowly at the boys and nudged me with his head. I reached through the cage bars and petted his head. “They’re just a bunch of idiots!” I heard someone growl. I turned around but the Dursley’s, Harry, and Peirs were already moving onto the reptile exhibit. “Who said that?” I asked. “I did,” said the voice again. I pinpointed it to the tiger. “I can understand you!” I said shocked. “Because your listening. A lot of people could if they just cared enough to listen!” the tiger said. 

People started screaming and running from the reptile exhibit. A large boa constrictor slithered out of the exhibit stopped stared at me and shouted before slithering off, “Brazil here I come!” “Well that was odd!” I said, “Well see you later! I have to go check on my brother.” “Se ya kid,” the tiger said. I ran into the reptile room and saw my brother. “YOU ARE GROUNDED!” Uncle Vernon shouted at Harry, “AND WHERE WERE YOU!” “Last time I saw Zoro he was talking to a tiger,” Piers said. “YOUR GROUNDED TOO!” Uncle Vernon shouted at me. 

We were all herded back into the car and once we got back home Harry and I went to the cupboard. “What happened at the reptile house?” I asked him. “The snake talked to me and all of a sudden while Dudley and Piers had their faces against the glass, it disappeared. Then the snake got out,” Harry said. “All I did was have a conversation with a tiger,” I said yawning. We both eventually fell asleep.  

Harry Potter's Adopted Brother (A One Piece Harry potter Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now