A Game

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Harry's pov
"Let's play a game!" Simon shouts out after we filmed a Fifa video involving a lot of shots.

In my slightly drunken mind that sounds like a good idea so I shout back "Alright Si! What game?" "I don't know, it was your idea." "Oh. But I don't know!"

A laughing Josh, who seems to have overheard the conversation, walks in with a suggestion of the classic truth or dare. We think that sounds like a good idea.

Like a couple of prepubescent teenagers we sit down in a ring, legs crossed, with an empty vodka bottle to spin. The oldest begins and it points at me. "Truth"

Scratching his beard he says "Have you ever, had a male crush?" I don't even need to think about it. "Yes." I say truthfully and look at Simon.

We make eyecontact but I break it quickly to look back at Josh. "Okay" He says with a nod.

"Go on. Spin it!" Simon shouts. "Okay, calm down Si!" Quickly I grab the bottle and spin it.

"Nah, this is rigged!" I say as it points at me again. "We will together decide what to ask then. Truth or dare?" Josh demands.

"Truth" I say again making Josh roll his eyes. Simon shuffles up to him and they start whispering silently making me feel slightly left out even though I know they are talking about me.

The bearded one says something and the tall boy seems to agree although it almost looks like he is blushing. 'He is just red from the alcohol' I think to myself.

Simon crawls back to his place sporting a cute smile. He looks at me with those piercing blue eyes making my heart skip a beat. I look back at Josh curious of their decision.

"Would you fuck anyone out of the Sidemen?" He asks me tilting his head. The answer is obvious but I hesitate even in this state to tell the truth.

"Yes" I say quietly, looking down and hoping they won't ask more on this topic. Under the silence I take the bottle to spin it. Josh.

"Dare, cause I'm not a pussyhole." He states with a confident smile. I get an idea but it involves Simon. With Josh watching me I move over to the blonde and whisper in his ear.

I get a laugh and a nod in response. Meeting Josh's eyes I sit up and say "Guess who is kissing you." "What?"

Excited I stand up. "We blindfold you and you have to guess who is kissing you!" "Not way." Josh says determined.

"What now? You a pussyhole?" He looks up at me for a second then gives up. "Fine." Simon stands up as well to get a kitchen chair for him.

Behz had left his West Ham scarf here a couple of days earlier so I use it to cover Josh's eyes, it's the only thing it's useful for anyway.

As I put it on Josh mumbles "I'm so gonna get you for this." I lead him towards the chair Simon got and help him sit down.

"He can still move his hands to touch us." Simon says. He looks past me and grins big.

Walking over there he gets the thin leather belt Kay forgot here a week ago. This house is basically a lost and found by now.

Quickly before he understands we walk behind Josh and grab his hands. "What the... what are you doing?"

He struggles but I've got his hands in a strong grip and Simon has already wrapped it around one time. "You a pussyhole?" I taunt him smiling.

With a deep breath he stops struggling and just swears "Fuck your mum." Simon laughs and we finish tying his hands to the chair.

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