Chapter 9

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Caleb's POV

Spencer's mom was crying her heart out as she talked to the police. I told them everything, from she having the pills to me getting smacked in my head. They knew it was her dad because this wasn't the first time plus the threatening texts but IF she escaped or he killed her, he would just drop off the f*cking face of the earth then appear again. I was ranging with anger and sadness. I really hope my angel was okay.

It was Saturday and I was up since one thirty searching for places that may connect to him, leading me to Spens. I even nudged my mom to hire private investigators. My heart rate  and blood pressure was high, for I was worried and angry. I wanted to be the one to hand that asshole his ass, again. I swear if he took her virginity or hurt her I was gonna do more than beat him, I would kill him! Oh how much I wanted to collide my fist with his devil-full face!!!

Tiffany, Toby and I search the Internet, files of his existence from the police and even Spens' phone for days. When Clara found out she cried, didn't go to school and swore to never dance until we found Spencer. It was like I was gonna go ballistic! I had to stay strong but everyday if became harder.

Spencer's POV

I woke up on the bed facing the wall but I wasn't the only one on it. I figured it was that bastard so slowly I turned. Only to see Ricky, lying lifeless with his brown eyes wide open!!!
"Ahhh!!!!!" I screamed.
I then tried to get up but we were both chained to the old bed and chained together. I became to scream and then hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

Eventually I fell asleep. Jackson the a-hole woke me up. The first thing he said to me was,
"Did you like my surprise this morning?"
He unchained  me and then pointed to the bucket of water, soap and a rag in the corner of the room.
"Go and take a shower, honey," he said. I had no choice since he had the belt in his big, cruel hands.

As I shower he licked his lips and smiled. I felt so violated but good since I haven't shower in about two weeks. The clothes he gave me was really skimpy. It was a half-a-top and black leggings but the heater was on so it wasn't so bad since I had a fuzzy blanket.

After, I sat in boredom. Earlier he'd went to the car and was now back. In his hands, he held vodka, real strong vodka, like, lets-get-ridiculously-drunk-vodka. That gave me an idea to get some answers!
He had two shot glasses so he poured me some but I new better now to drink it I pretend to drink so I got 'drunk'. I used my seductive skills from tv and my work began.

I ran my hands over his body and made him feel like I'm with him. Drama class was like so paying off! I was so disgusted but had to do this to get some answers.
"Babe, where are we?" I asked sexily.
"We are just half-an-hour away from your house, on 11 Oakley Street, five minutes north in the woods." He said drunkenly.
I smiled at my accomplishment.
"Why did you kill, Ricky?" I asked.
"Um... well, I asked him to keep an eye on you. That's how I knew that you were at that stupid Halloween party and attacked you. Ha ha! But that stupid boy, Caleb, also stole my wife, Diana."
When he said that I was shocked but I let him continue. "Then he threatened to go to the police cause he wanted out so I killed him before I got you."
At that moment I wanted to choke him.

The next day, I told him that we slept together and he had a sicken smile. After he left to were and sat in one of the corners. Automatically I started to think about my mom, Tiffany, Toby and especially Caleb. I remembered his muscular frame, his cute, white smile, his cockiness, his huge ego, how kind he was and the warm hug he gave when I felt sad. I missed him, I missed Caleb. Tears steamed down my eyes, thinking about Toby and how he made us all laugh and Tif, how she criticized  my style. They were the greatest friends and I knew that I may never see them again.

Two days later, I was dancing unconsciously because I needed to be in my happy place. I swayed  my body to the music in my head. All it did was remind me of how Caleb and I became friends in the first place. All I could do was cry, it was all I had left. But while crying I waited for Caleb to wipe my tears but it never happened. Then suddenly I realized that I liked Caleb. Not as a friend, but a crush. It made me smile but I couldn't tell him. Why?
One, I knew that I may never see him or hear his voice again and two, he probably doesn't feel the same way.

A/N: Okay short chapter but damn!! Thank you my GS fam for the views but we can work on the votes. Yeah, I know it's little but it means the world since I really didn't expect anyone to read. So as usual please vote, comment and share.
                         -Love Gabby😘

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